

Worry Doll Unit

worry dolls

We read the book Silly Billy by Anthony Browne, about a little boy that has a lot of worries. His grandmother grew up in Guatemala and shared the legend of the worry dolls with him. The dolls help him so much that he makes them for everyone he knows.

We made our own worry dolls using pipe cleaners, yarn, and fabric.

If your child would like to make more worry dolls at home, watch this video! She will show you how to make the doll from start to finish. We added some fabric at the end to make them look a bit more traditional. You can also click on this website for other ideas.

Weaving Unit

The children learned about the art of back strap weaving in Guatemala. We read the book Abuela's Weave about a grandmother and her granddaughter. They use the traditional method of weaving and take their creations to the market to sell.

The children used a small loom to create wall hangings or coasters.