Welcome to Pre-K!

Teacher: Rebecca Kave

Teacher Aides: 

Ava Mack Carl Johnson

Phone: (631) 537 - 0271 Ext: 1320

Please send your child with the following items:

• 1 water bottle

• 1 backpack

• 1 extra set of clothes (shirt, pants/shorts, underwear & socks) to leave in the classroom

• 1 blanket or beach towel for “quiet time”

• A healthy snack & lunch

• A family photo that can be hung up in the classroom

Please label all of your child’s belongings with their name on it!

Important days to remember:

Monday, November 20th -- 11:05 dismissal / 

Parent-Teacher conferences

Tuesday, November 21st -- Go Home Early Drill ~2:30 dismissal

November 22-24th -- No School

 This Month -- We are learning about..... NOCTURNAL and DIURNAL!