Resources found on this site were curated to guide both educators and families alike in navigating learning in an online setting. This is an opportunity to truly realize Brewster's Vision for the use of technology:

Brewster Central School District will engage all learners in authentic problem and project-based learning, inspire and empower them to ask and answer questions of personal and public interest and be responsible digital citizens.

We hope that you find these resources useful. If you have suggestions for ways to improve it please let us know.

The 5 Es of eLearning

Tools for Remote eLearning
  • Empathize - Connect with your students - this is more challenging in an online setting.

  • Explain - Give clear explanations and directions.

  • Excite - Spark an interest - don’t just share content.

  • Engage - Get students to interact with what you have shared with them.

  • Evaluate - Assess their understanding & promote reflection.