Week at a Glance

Week 1: September 2-4 (Click on the arrow to see week at a glance)

Asynchronous Learning (Independent Learning)

  1. Watch Sept 2-4 video of class expectations

  2. Complete the Introduction Survey

  3. Complete If worksheet

Synchronous Learning (Google meet/Zoom)

  1. Introductions

  2. Review Asynchronous Learning (independent)

Week 2: September 8-11 (click arrow to see week at a glance)

Asynchronous Work (Independent Work)-All on google classroom

  1. Temperature Check

  2. My Life in Pictures Project

  3. Abstract Concepts

  4. Melba Pattilla Beals-Author Notes

Synchronous Learning ( Google Meet or Zoom)

  1. Go over temperature check, and project

  2. Go over expectation of online behaviors

  3. Go over My life in Picture Project- answer any questions

  4. Abstract Concepts- Students will be given an abstract concept (freedom, responsibility, friendship, or sacrifice- students define concept using words or pictures or a combination of both.

  5. Watch an Interview with Melba Pattillo Beals, author of Warriors Don't Cry and take notes