Welcome to my site! 

Email: lisa.elm@bremertonschools.org

Hello, I'm Lisa Elm, Math Specialist at West Hills STEM Academy.

I love teaching and learning!  Before I became an Instructional Coach, I was a 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade teacher at Armin Jahr. My class was known as the "Tech Class". We used computers and iPods/iPads to support our learning. I enjoy learning, especially from our students.  Now I work mostly with administration and staff with Best Instructional Practices in the classroom. You will see me walking around West Hills from classroom to classroom working with teachers and observing our students learning new things each day. You probably have seen me at Math Blast STEM and Summer STEM Camp. I'm there as the coordinator for the events. It's so much fun!

I'm here to support staff, families, and students. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  I'm here to help you and your child.  Just like everything else we are doing now, we are taking one day at a time. We can do this together! Stay Well and Be Kind.  #WeAreBremerton