Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is the tool that teachers use to provide students with learning resources and collect student assignments. To see the student view of Google Classroom and how to view and submit assignments, please see the videos below. If you'd like more information, further down the page are some tutorials for parents and students. Click here to access the Google Classroom Support Page.

Student View of Google Classroom

Joining a Google Classroom

Receiving Weekly Google Classroom Summaries

Viewing Classroom Calendars on a teachers' website.

Turn off Notifications on Classroom

Mark as Done!.mp4

Mark Assignments as Done

Google Classroom para escuela primaria (K opción1)

Google Classroom para escuela primaria (K opción2)

Google Classroom para escuela primaria (1ro)

Google Classroom para escuela primaria (2do)

Google Classroom 101 for Families

Our teachers are using a learning management system (LMS) called "Google Classroom" to communicate with students, post assignments, and track schoolwork.

While a parent can't join a Google Classroom due to privacy laws, Google allows parent/guardian email accounts to be "linked" to their student(s) BSD Google account, which will connect them to their child’s Google Classroom. This allows parents to get updates via email on how their student is doing in class.

  • If your student has more than one Google Classroom class, all information is combined in one email.

  • You can choose the frequency of those emails.

Once your email is connected with your student(s)’ Google Account, you should have access to any Google Classroom in which your student is enrolled - for this year and for future years. So if you do this now, you will automatically be connected to your child’s Google Classrooms next year - unless you change your email.

Your teacher may have sent or may be sending you you an invitation to be linked to their Google Classroom. If you haven’t received that, we encourage you to reach out to your student’s teacher(s) and ask to be connected.

NOTE: Google Classrooms are DIFFERENT than a teacher's Google website. Teacher Google websites are public and accessible from the school's website. Think of the Google Classroom like a "real" classroom which is not open to the public during the school day.