Working with APEX Learning

Navigating Through APEX Learning.webm

The video to the left explains how to navigate through APEX Learning. The images and descriptions below also provide information on navigating through the APEX Learning curriculum.

While the example uses US History as the subject matter the formatting of the lessons is the same no matter the curricular area.

APEX Learning uses the same basic structure for its presentation of curriculum across subject matter. Once in the APEX environment students first go to their Dashboard. On the Dashboard students can choose the subjects that they want to access.

Once the student chooses a class they will be offered which curricular area they would like to choose (usually there is only one option).

After students have chosen the course, in this case MS US History Sem 1, they will betaken to the lessons that have been activated by their teachers.

Students may click on the circle in the center of the page or on the image to get to the lessons in that unit.

The initial screen provides an overview, explaining the objectives of the lesson. Once students have read the overview they click on the next lesson. In the image above the next lesson is indicated by an arrow and the words "Lesson 1.1".

Once inside the lesson the student will see the different learning components that they access for their asynchronous learning opportunities. The components are standard across curricular areas and include the overview, a STUDY component which introduces the material, a checkup, a review, a practice component, and a quiz. The different learning opportunities are enabled by the teacher to meet the needs of the classes. In the case above the teacher elected to not include 1.1.4 Practice because he chose to handle that learning in a difference way.

After initiating the STUDY link students are introduced to the subject matter and activities. This section takes the longest and has activities for the students to complete to help ensure successful learning of the material. The students may click on the vocabulary words to read the definitions as well as on pictures for explanations. There is a feature that will read the material to the students. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen is an icon that looks like a person with curved lines next to the head. This link enables the read aloud feature. Next to that link is an icon that has a letter A and another character. This feature allows for text to be translated into a variety of languages.

At the bottom of the screen are navigation buttons and a progress notification that tell the students where they are in that section of the lesson.

Once students finish a section they are taken back to the lesson selection section where they can move to another portion of the lesson. It is expected that students complete all areas of the lesson that are provided unless unique accommodations are made with the teacher.