
Representative Democracy = Council decides on smaller matters and matters that do not concern the whole population. The whole qualified population (over certain age) votes on bigger matters.

Important Laws:

  • Every citizen of The United Islands of Hlama shall be respected by every person, no matter what. If this law is broken, it will be punished heavily.

  • Every student has to take the logical reasoning course, and all adults over 18 have to have a logical reasoning test every 3 years. If you fail, you have to take the whole course over again.

  • The United Islands of Hlama highly values education, so everybody is required to go from preschool to 12th grade and then go to at least 2 years of college. To progress to the next grade you must pass a test.

  • On the last day of every month, there is no school or work and people can do whatever they want.

This is the flag of Hlama