Breckinridge County Schools

To find your child's bus stop information in this system, click the Infofinder link above and enter your house # and street name. Leave the zip code blank. Also, if you have previously given us an address that is different than your home for your child's stop (grandparent, other relative, daycare, etc.), you will need to enter that address to see the stop information.

If you don't see your address, please complete this form to provide us the necessary information to add your child to a bus route. 

Mike Harned, Transportation Director

Email Address:

Office Phone:  270-756-3000

Bus Garage Phone:  270-756-2313

School Closing Hotline:  270-756-3125

Local Radio Station:  WXBC (104.3 FM)...270-756-1043

Jarrod Brockman, Transportation Coordinator

Email Address:

Office Phone:  270-756-3000