Parents Resources
We are thrilled to extend our warmest welcome and introduce you to our Schoolwide Postsecondary Advising Program (PSAP).
The Schoolwide Postsecondary Advising Program (PSAP) is a year-round advising program that supports students in realizing their postsecondary goals by providing direct advising services to every junior and senior on campus. We serve ALL students.
When PSAP says college, we include pursuing any postsecondary education pathway that allows a student to attain a credential, certificate, diploma, or enrollment in the military while pursuing their passions and preparing for their career. The terms ‘college,’ ‘higher education,’ and ‘postsecondary’ are used interchangeably. As your student prepares to take the next step toward their academic and career goals, our Postsecondary Advising Program is committed to providing your student with the guidance, resources, and support they need to make informed decisions and succeed in their post-high school pursuits.
PSAP Program Pillars
PSAP Grade Level Priorities