Pre - K

Let's Make Some Music!

Let's start with a Movement Activity that will get our bodies and brain moving!

Dance along with Koo Koo Kanga Roo and do the Dino Stomp!

Next, we are going to sing a song! Choose one or more songs to sing along with.

Twinkle Twinkle/ABCs.mp4

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Old MacDonald Had a Farm.mp4

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

10 Little Snowflakes

10 Little Snowflakes

Itsy Bitsy Spider!.webm

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The Reindeer Pokey

Dance along to the Reindeer Pokey!

This song is called Tapping Tapping Little Elf. Go find two things in your house that you can use as Rhythm Sticks (sticks, pencils, spoons, etc.)

Sing and tap along with me!

Tapping Tapping Little Elf

Tapping Tapping Little Elf

Then we usually end with another fun movement activity! This week we are doing the Penguin Dance!