What is Action Network?

Action Network (AN) is a fee-for-service technology platform developed as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization whose mission is to build technologies that support grass-roots progressive activism.  Action Network provides the infrastructure to publish email newsletters, store basic contact information on members and subscribers, and track event participation. 

Action Network was adopted by Braver Angels in 2017 based on its low cost and appropriate feature set for grassroots organizing. Please check out our Policy on Use of Action Network (Partisan Partnerships) if you have any questions.

Who can use Action Network?

Action Network is primarily used by State Coordinators and Regional Leads. If you are an Alliance Co-chair in need of an outreach tool, please check out the Alliance Data Toolkit.

Issues receiving the national newsletter?

If you have marked one of Action Network's emails as spam in the past, your email gets placed on their global block list. To remove yourself from the list to resubscribe, please follow these instructions.

Action Network Support

Action Network provides tech support for our volunteers. Please reach out to support@actionnetwork.org for assistance, or browse their collection of guides and video tutorials along with our curated FAQ. For further assistance, you can reach out to Field Tech Support. 

You can also join our Action Network Users Group to ask questions, comment, and learn more about how to integrate Action Network with your outreach strategies. This group is meant to serve as a resource for volunteers who have questions about how best to get value from Action Network, and as a way for the BA National team to provide updates as we continue to evolve the way we use Action Network.