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Connecting with Apple Health

Connecting Bravera on iPhone & Apple Health

Bravera app with Apple Health

On iOS (Apple iPhone), in order to convert walk / run distance into points for rewards, Bravera MUST be given access to the walk/run.

Connecting with Apple Health when creating your Bravera Account.

After entering your basic details (name, email etc) and creating an account, you’ll be shown the screen below during the ‘onboarding’ process and prompted to ‘Connect’ to Apple Health.

Clicking ‘Connect’ above will open the permission within Apple Health to connect Bravera to the walk/run distance.

Move the slider so it is ‘Green’ to allow Bravera the ability to ‘read’ the walk/run distance and convert to points. (see below)

Click 'Allow' in the top right hand corner.

After this, your Bravera account is connected with Apple Health, and your walk and run distance will be sent to Bravera each time you open the app or hit the 'sync' button!

This will allow us to convert each km into 10 points to unlock rewards inside our app!

What if I forgot to turn on walking + running distance (or even deliberately didn't allow) on first sign-up? Well, if Health was not connected on first sign-up, the message below would have appeared.

So, don't worry. You can still connect again from inside Apple Health.

The next section 'Check Health connection (issues with activity sync) below.

Check Health connection (issues with activity sync)

Sometimes, people may not allow Apple Health access to activities when signing up. Or, sometimes, connectivity is 'lost' (very rare) and you'll need to 'check' if Apple Health is sending walking + running data to Bravera.

Follow the simple instructions below to ensure you'll re-connect with Bravera.

Step 1: Find Apple Health (you can search for it)

Step 2: (If you've never used Health before, follow the 'set-up') ... click your profile picture in the top Right Corner.

Step 3: Go to 'Apps' and open to find Bravera

Step 4: Make sure the slider is 'green' to allow Bravera to 'read' walking + running distance from Health

Step 5: Close Health, go to Bravera app, open and press the red 'sync' button. You should now be able to convert walking +running distance from Health

Now, go back to the Bravera app, open it, and click the red ‘sync’ button.

If you’ve not converted your walking and running distance on Bravera points for some time since signing up, please be patience, it could take a little while to convert the historical walking and running data into points you can use for rewards!

Any further questions, please feel free to contact support@bravera.co from the email address linked to your Bravera account.

If you do email, please help us solve your problem by clearly stating:

The system: i.e. iOS

Description of the issue

Ideally, also some screenshots that ‘show’ us what the issue is.

Thank you!

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