Homework and Helpful Links


Underlined words mean that there is a link to the resource.

Reading Log

Word Study

Math Homework

Math Practice and Reinforcement Websites for 3rd Grade

Fact Strategy Posters

  1. Multiplication Strategies Explained
  2. Division Strategies Explained

Games for Fractions (Flash Player needed for most of these)

Melvin's Make a Match

Ordering Fractions Game (have to click on it)

Dirt Bike Fractions

Ice Cream Shop Fractions

Games or Tools for Fact Practice

Meteor Multiplication

Multiplication Grand Prix

Drag Race Division

Reading and Writing

Reading Tools

Read for 15- 20 minutes each night and record on reading log.

Link to Summarizing a Story Organizer- Sophisticated readers don't just retell, they summarize by introducing the story and problem, include important details that are related to the problem, and they include the solution. They also include the author's message, what readers can learn from reading.

Tips on how to help your child at home with Reading and Writing- great list of practical ideas for encouraging your child to read and write!

Writing Conventions- Deal Breakers