About Me

About Me

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself. I am proud to say this is my 14th year teaching at Brandon High School. During this time, I have made it my mission to provide a better learning environment for every student by being an active and proud representative of our Brandon Education Association.

When I am not teaching, I love to spend time with my wife and 4 dogs, yes, 4 dogs. My wife and I both enjoy mountain biking and hiking in the woods with the dogs. We are all big Tigers fans, and enjoy being a part of the great sports culture in Detroit. In addition to teaching, I work part time at Kinetic Systems Bicycles in Clarkston where I help others start and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

As children get older, it is easy for parents to lose sight of the impact that they have on a student's education. I welcome parent involvement in the classroom, and it is my hope that your student finds value in the relationship that we maintain. I am always open to communication with you, and I am looking forward to the school year.