Geography: Regions and People

Migration to the United States: The Impact on People and Places

How does migration affect the lives of people and the character of places?

Please visit our Google Classroom for updates

1/19 A Day

Today: We reviewed and took chapter 8 assessment

Tomorrow: no homework

1/13 B Day

Today: We conducted our immigrant interviews today.

Tomorrow: Prepare for your Chapter 8 assessment will on 1/20

1/12 B Day

Today: We pooled all of our immigrant push/pull factors together on our Padlet and then planned for our immigrant interviews Thursday.

Tomorrow: Prepare for your interviews Thursday.

**Chapter 8 assessment will be on 1/20

1/11 A Day

Today: We pooled all of our immigrant push/pull factors together on our Padlet. We played the waiting in line game, and then planned for our immigrant interviews Wednesday.

Tomorrow: Prepare for your interviews Wednesday.

**Chapter 8 assessment will be on 1/19

12/16 A Day

Today: We began chapter 8 with 4 immigrants and their migrations streams.

Tomorrow: chapter 8 geoterms are due Friday.

12/15 B Day

Today: We Kahooted, assessed, and finished our Latin America lab

Tomorrow: If you still owe me challenge 5 then that needs to be submitted ASAP.

12/14 A Day

Today: We Kahooted, assessed, and finished our Latin America lab

Tomorrow: If you still owe me challenge 5 then that needs to be submitted ASAP.

12/11 B Day

Today: We wrapped up our Latin America lab


12/10 A Day

Today: We continued our Latin America mapping lab


12/9 B Day

Today: We continued our Latin America mapping lab


12/8 A Day

Today: We continued our Latin America mapping lab


12/7 B Day

Today: We continued our Latin America mapping lab


12/4 A Day

Today: We continued our Latin America mapping lab and began challenge 5: Challenge 5: Using Maps to Analyze a Field Photograph

Tomorrow: No homework

12/3 B Day

Today: We continued our Latin America mapping lab and began challenge 4: Using Geography Skills to Answer “Why There?”

Tomorrow: No homework

12/2 A Day

Today: We continued our Latin America mapping lab and began challenge 4: Using Geography Skills to Answer “Why There?”

Tomorrow: No homework

12/1 B Day

Today: We continued our Latin America mapping lab and began challenge 3: Challenge 3: Using Geography Skills to Answer “Where?”

Tomorrow: No homework

11/30 A Day

Today: We continued our Latin America mapping lab and began challenge 3: Challenge 3: Using Geography Skills to Answer “Where?”

Tomorrow: No homework

11/23 A Day

Today: We began our Latin America mapping lab

Tomorrow: Finish Challenge 1: Learning About the Physical Geography of Latin America and Challenge 2: Learning About the Human Geography of Latin America for Monday 11/30

11/19 A Day

Today: We took our chapter 7 assessment: Consumption Patterns in the United States: The Impact of Living Well

Tomorrow: No homework

11/17 A Day

Today: We wrapped up with global connections and began our political cartoons.

Tomorrow: Read pages 114-117 and finish your political cartoons for Thursday.

11/16 B Day

Today: We looked at computer usage in our countries and then moved to global connections.

Tomorrow: Read page 114-117 and finish your global connections for Wednesday.

11/11 A Day

Today: We looked at oil consumptions in our countries and then moved to computer usage and GDP.

Tomorrow: Read page 112-113 and finish your 7.5 and 7.6 reading notes for Friday.

11/10 B Day

Today: We looked calories per capita per year in our country of choice and debated why they were so high or low. We then began to look at oil consumption and fossil fuels in the US.

Tomorrow: Read page 111 and finish your 7.4 reading notes for Thursday.

111/9 A Day

Today: We looked calories per capita per year in our country of choice and debated why they were so high or low. We then began to look at oil consumption and fossil fuels in the US.

Tomorrow: Read page 111 and finish your 7.4 reading notes for Wednesday.

11/6 B Day

Today: We looked at how we can tell if a country is developed or developing

Tomorrow: No homework. Be sure to watch the MSU game this weekend.

11/5 A Day

Today: We looked at how we can tell if a country is developed or developing

Tomorrow: No homework. Be sure to watch the MSU game this weekend.

11/4 B Day

Today: We began analyzing cartograms

Tomorrow: Finish your geoterms and 7.3 notes for Friday

11/2 A Day

Today: We began analyzing cartograms

Tomorrow: Finish your geoterms and 7.3 notes for Thursday

10/29 A Day

Today: Chapter 2 assessment

Tomorrow: Enjoy your MSU game and Halloween weekend

10/28 B Day

Today: We began our 7 line poem using thematic maps and analyzed climagraphs.

Tomorrow: Finish your 7 line poems for Friday.

***Chapter 2 assessment is Thursday.

10/27 A Day

Today: We began our 7 line poem using thematic maps and analyzed climagraphs.

Tomorrow: Finish your 7 line poems for Thursday.

***Chapter 2 assessment is Thursday.

10/26 B Day

Today: We analyzed our economic activity map.

Tomorrow: Read pages 36-37 and finish your economic activities poster for Wednesday.

10/23 B Day

Today: We analyzed our economic activity map.

Tomorrow: Read pages 36-37 and finish your economic activities poster for Tuesday.

10/22 A Day

Today: We did our population study and looked at a thematic map of population.

Tomorrow: No homework

10/21 A Day

Today: We did our population study and looked at a thematic map of population.

Tomorrow: No homework

10/20 B Day

Today: We began our new thematic map study: vegetation

Tomorrow: Read pages 32-33 (Sec 2.5) and finish your "Where's Waldo Vegetation Project" for Thursday.

10/19 A Day

Today: We began our new thematic map study: vegetation

Tomorrow: Read pages 32-33 (Sec 2.5) and finish your "Where's Waldo Vegetation Project" for Wednesday.

10/14 B Day

Today: We presented our climate reports

Tomorrow: No homework

10/14 A Day

Today: We presented our climate reports

Tomorrow: No homework

10/13 B Day

Today: We continued creating a one-minute weather report that highlights our climate zone. Your report must be geographically accurate and clearly demonstrate the characteristics of your assigned zone.

Tomorrow: We'll present on Thursday.

10/12 A Day

Today: We continued creating a one-minute weather report that highlights our climate zone. Your report must be geographically accurate and clearly demonstrate the characteristics of your assigned zone.

Tomorrow: We'll present on Wednesday.

10/9 B Day

Today: We began create a one-minute weather report that highlights our climate zone. Your report must be geographically accurate and clearly demonstrate the characteristics of your assigned zone.

Tomorrow: We'll work on presentations Tuesday and present Thursday.

10/8 A Day

Today: We began create a one-minute weather report that highlights our climate zone. Your report must be geographically accurate and clearly demonstrate the characteristics of your assigned zone.

Tomorrow: We'll work on presentations Monday and present Wednesday.

10/7 B Day

Today: We began chapter 2 by looking at some of the World's physical features.

Tomorrow: Finish your physical features foldable for Friday.

10/6 A Day

Today: We began chapter 2 by looking at some of the World's physical features.

Tomorrow: Finish your physical features foldable for Thursday.

10/5 B Day

Today: We took our Chapter 1: The Tools of Geography summative assessment.

Tomorrow: No homework.

10/2 A Day

Today: We took our Chapter 1: The Tools of Geography summative assessment.

Tomorrow: No homework. Enjoy the weekend!

10/1 B Day

Today: We reviewed how the season work and looked at distortions on map projections.

Tomorrow: Finish your Bedroom Map for Monday.

***Summative assessment is Monday, October 5

9/30 A Day

Today: We reviewed how the season work and looked at distortions on map projections.

Tomorrow: Finish your Bedroom Map for Friday.

***Summative assessment is Friday, October 2

9/29 B Day

Today: We looked at how the Earth gets seasons and how maps are often distorted projections.

Tomorrow: Finish your 1.7 Earth and the Sun and 1.8 Showing a Round World on a Flat Map for Thursday.

9/28 A Day

Today: We looked at how the Earth gets seasons and how maps are often distorted projections.

Tomorrow: Finish your 1.7 Earth and the Sun and 1.8 Showing a Round World on a Flat Map for Wednesday.

9/25 B Day

Today: We worked on using scale on a map and reviewed hemispheres, continents, and oceans.

Tomorrow: Finish your 1.5 Dealing with Distances Map Scale and 1.6 Continents, Hemispheres and Oceans your for Tuesday.

9/24 A Day

Today: We worked on using scale on a map and reviewed hemispheres, continents, and oceans.

Tomorrow: Finish your 1.5 Dealing with Distances Map Scale and 1.6 Continents, Hemispheres and Oceans your for Monday.

9/23 B Day

Today: We worked on lines of latitude and longitude and asked how do we drop pins on a map using coordinates.

Tomorrow: Finish your your 1.4 The Global Grid: Longitude and Latitude and your 1.4 QCI on Classroom for Friday.

9/22 A Day

Today: We worked on lines of latitude and longitude and asked how do we drop pins on a map using coordinates.

Tomorrow: Finish your your 1.4 The Global Grid: Longitude and Latitude and your 1.4 QCI on Classroom for Thursday.

9/21 B Day

Today: We began analyzed maps, titles, and symbols and used these components to help us answer questions about the map

Tomorrow: Finish your your 1.3 Maps, Titles, and Symbols for Wednesday.

**Personal Timelines are due Wednesday 9/23

9/18 A Day

Today: We began analyzed maps, titles, and symbols and used these components to help us answer questions about the map

Tomorrow: Finish your your 1.3 Maps, Titles, and Symbols for Tuesday.

**Personal Timelines are due Tuesday 9/22

9/17 B Day

Today: We began chapter 1 and looked at elements of maps

Tomorrow: Finish your chapter 1 geoterms for Monday and your Quick Check In (QCI) on Google Classroom by 720am Monday.

**Personal Timelines are due Wednesday 9/23

9/16 A Day

Today: We began chapter 1 and looked at elements of maps

Tomorrow: Finish your chapter 1 geoterms for Monday and your Quick Check In (QCI) on Google Classroom by 720am Monday.

**Personal Timelines are due Wednesday 9/23

9/16 A Day

Today: We began chapter 1 and looked at elements of maps

Tomorrow: Finish your chapter 1 geoterms for Friday and your Quick Check In (QCI) on Google Classroom by 720am Friday.

9/15 B Day

Today: We worked on our 9/11 Nearpod activity. Here is a copy of the NY Times article we used in class today.

Tomorrow: No homework unless you still need to have your "rules and Regulations" signed.

9/14 A Day

Today: We worked on our 9/11 Nearpod activity. Here is a copy of the NY Times article we used in class today.

Tomorrow: No homework unless you still need to have your "rules and Regulations" signed.


Today: Hour 5 (B Day) We went over how our room works and began building our personal timelines.

Tomorrow: Have your signed rules and regulations for Tuesday.


Today: Hours 2-4 (B Day) We went over how our room works and began building our personal timelines.

Tomorrow: Have your signed rules and regulations for Tuesday.


Today: Hours 5-7 (A Day) We went over how our room works and began building our personal timelines.

Tomorrow: Have your signed rules and regulations for Monday.


Today: Hours 2-4 (A Day) We went over how our room works and began building our personal timelines.

Tomorrow: Have your signed rules and regulations for Monday.

The Course

The sixth grade social studies curriculum is a geography-based course which introduces students to the physical and human geography of the world. Beginning with a spatial perspective, students explore different ways in which the earth has been represented, how geographers use specific tools and technologies in geographic inquiry, and some of the limitations of these tools. They investigate patterns of natural and human characteristics and use case studies to examine how the physical environment has provided both benefits and obstacles to human societies. In doing so, students explore how humans have used, adapted, or modified their environment and the consequences. Through the study of culture, cultural characteristics and cultural diffusion, students learn how culture both influences and affects people throughout the world in similar yet distinct ways. Students also consider globalization and its impact on economic and political institutions and people worldwide.

In this course, students will examine a variety of global issues that emanate from human activities such as population change, migration, urbanization, culture and cultural diffusion, resource use, increased networks of trade and economic interdependence, and the interactions among nations. Students investigate how local, national, and international governmental and non-governmental organizations respond to a variety of contemporary issues. The different regions of the world are used to illuminate examples of how these global issues or problems affect people in places around the world. Thus, students explore the similarities among regions of the world in terms of causes and consequences of global issues. They also assess the extent to which geographic, historical, political, socio-cultural, and/or economic factors account for differences in the causes and/or consequences of global phenomena. Simply put, the curriculum and accompanying materials push students to take a global view of their world.

Throughout the course, students employ different spatial scales (local, regional, interregional, and global), to study human patterns and global issues throughout the course. In doing so, students deepen their understanding of the disciplines of history, geography, economics and political science, as well as broaden their understanding to other fields within the social studies such as anthropology, sociology, and archeology. Students explore how all of these social studies fields are both complementary and interdependent. Grounded in research on students’ thinking and learning in geography and other social science disciplines, the curriculum emphasizes how evidence from a myriad of social studies fields collectively provides a broad and detailed picture of our world.