Everytopic Seminar

Fall 2022

Time: 12:10pm-1:15pm; Location: Goldsmith 226

The Everytopic Seminar is the friendly colloquium of the Brandeis Mathematics Department.

October 20

Speaker: Beibei Liu (MIT)

Title: Surgeries, spines and link Floer homology

Abstract: It is well-known that every closed, oriented 3-manifold can be obtained by Dehn surgeries on links in the 3-sphere. Links also show up in 4-manifolds, as the singularity links of algebraic curves in the complex plane or the singularity links of topological spines in 4-manifolds. I will talk about the low-dimensional topology questions relating to links and use the modern tool called link Floer homology to study such topological questions.

November 7

Speaker: Gleb Nenashev (Brandeis)

Title: Zonotopal Algebra

Abstract: Zonotopal algebras arose in various situations in 1990s and 2000s, they are defined for arbitrary zonotopes. There are three main types of these algebras: external, central, and internal. These algebras have a number of interesting properties. Their Hilbert series are specializations of the corresponding Tutte polynomial. In the case of unimodular zonotopes: the total dimensions are the number of lattice points, the volume, and the number of interior lattice points resp. I will mostly focus on external case, where it is possible to classify all external algebras up to isomorphism in terms of zonotopes.

December 5

Speaker: Assaf Bar-Natan (Brandeis)

Title: Exploring Exponents

Abstract: This expository expo expounds my experiments in explicitly expanding exponents. Experiencing expanded expressions explain expansive examples, and explosive exploration of exp. Explicitly, exponentiation exports algebras to groups and exposes exploitable expressways to solving ODE and PDEs. Before expiring, expect explicit yet expedited explanations of experimental exploits of extra functional expressions.