Work Experience

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Tufts University, August 2022 - Present

I was a graduate teaching assistant for CS 15 Data Structures taught by Milod Kazerounian (fall 2022, spring 2023), Antonella Di Lillo (fall 2022), Fabrizio Santini (summer 2023), and Marty Allen (spring 2024). I have primarily worked on and led the course infrastructure team. This has involved updating and integrating our autograder, writing tests, and developing scripts to automate various tasks (e.g. using MOSS, scraping GitHubs, assigning students to graders). I have also assisted with other course duties such as grading, office hours, and labs. 

Computational Science Intern

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, May - August 2021

I was a computational science intern at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory from May to August 2021. I developed an algorithm to identify individual crystals in a sequence of atomic force microscope images of a polymer. The polymer is used as a binder in energetic materials. Throughout this internship, I worked primarily with my mentor, Senior Staff Scientist Dr. Christine Orme (Materials Science Division). The algorithm which I developed produces a sequence of masks that label the points in an image that belong to each individual crystal. The rates at which crystals appear and grow to cover the image field can be computed from these masks, and can be used to assess the stability of the polymer.

Software Engineering Analytics Intern

Pangaea Holdings, July 2020 - June 2021

I was a software engineering analytics intern at Pangaea Holdings full-time from July to August 2020 and then part time from September 2020 to June 2021. My primary tasks were to predict, analyze, and visualize company spending and revenue. Throughout my internship, I worked primarily with my supervisor Benjamin Segal who is the chief of staff at Pangaea. I have (i) incorporated Facebook’s Prophet forecasting procedure to predict future lifetime value of various customer groups, (ii) worked with Facebook and Snapchat marketing APIs to compute customer acquisition cost, (iii) built various interfaces that abstracted the transfer of data from vendors such as Amazon to Pangaea databases, and (iv) used a variety of visualization tools to build interactive tables and charts for the marketing team.

Brandeis University, Head Teaching Assistant

For my work as a teaching assistant and head teaching assistant at Brandeis University, I received the Max Chretien Award. To read about the programming assignments I wrote, please see this GitHub repository. 

COSI 131A Operating Systems, Spring 2022

I was a co head teaching assistant alongside Eitan Joseph for Professor Iraklis Tsekourakis for COSI 131A which covers operating systems in Java. I supervised 8 undergraduate TAs and worked closely with Prof. Tsekourakis to deliver course material to a class of 80 students. I presented at assignment tutorials, implemented 4 programming assigments, and organized homework grading among other duties. 

COSI 21A Data Structures and the Fundamentals of Computing, Spring 2020

I was head teaching assistant (TA) for COSI 21A Data Structures and the Fundamentals of Computing, taught by Prof. Antonella Di Lillo in spring 2020. I supervised 13 undergraduate and graduate TAs and worked closely with Prof. Di Lillo to deliver course material to a class of 120 students. I prepared, ran, and presented at weekly recitations, wrote and implemented 3 programming assignments (PAs), wrote and solved exam questions, and organized rubrics and grading for all homework assignments. 

Brandeis University, Teaching Assistant

COSI 131A Operating Systems, Fall 2021

I was a teaching assistant for COSI 131A Operating Systems taught by Prof. Liuba Shrira in fall 2021. I implemented and prepared 4 PAs, prepared and presented assignment tutorials, and organized PA rubrics and grading.

COSI 12B Advanced Programming Techniques in Java, Fall 2019

I was a teaching assistant for COSI 12B Advanced Programming Techniques in Java taught by Prof. Antonella Di Lillo in Fall 2019. I developed a PA, presented at recitations, and graded weekly PAs and exams.