Brandeis University Postdoctoral Association 



We are a group comprised of postdoctoral associates and fellows (postdocs) from all of the departments at Brandeis University. 


Brandeis Postdocs are those members of the Brandeis community who have completed a PhD or MD and are continuing their training in research under the mentorship of a faculty member at Brandeis University.

Brandeis has an official policy with regards to the status of postdocs in the university. It can be found here. Check the Professional Resources page for more official Brandeis Postdoc information.


The Brandeis University Postdoctoral Association was formed as a means to meet other postdocs in the Brandeis community for both social and professional networking. We plan to have monthly meetings/social hours during which we discuss problems and successes we are having as postdocs here at Brandeis. 

All postdocs and visiting scientists with postdoc status at their home institution are by default members of BUPA.

To receive e-mails relevant to this group, please sign up for the "bupa" or"sci-postdocs" list-serve at:


To contact BUPA email us at


BUPA is currently organized by the following postdocs, but anyone interested in getting involved is welcome!


 Diane Bissen (Turrigiano Lab):

Aanchal Bhatia (Grienberger Lab):

 Kyra Schapiro (Marder Lab):

Mohamed Adel (Grienberger Lab):

Abuzar Mahmood (Katz Lab):