Using Special Characters in Chrome

How to Type Special Characters with a Chromebook: Unicode Input

On a Chromebook, when you press CTRL+SHIFT+U in an input field, you’ll get a little underlined “u” on your screen.

Now, type in the unicode entry for the special character you want. An em dash is “2014.”

Hit enter and voila, em dash: —

A list of Unicode values can be found at these websites:

Typing Subscript and Superscript in Unicode

The Unicode entries for subscript are U+208X, where X is the number you want in subscript. For example, H₂0 uses CTRL+SHIFT+U and then 2082.

The Unicode entries for superscript are CTRL+SHIFT+U and then 207x, where X is the number you want in superscript. For example, 10⁷ uses CTRL+SHIFT+U and then 2077.

That is, except for 1, 2, and 3, which are CTRL+SHIFT+U and then 00B9, CTRL+SHIFT+U and then 00B2 and CTRL+SHIFT+U and then 00B3 respectively.

Typing Punctuation and Accents in Unicode

Use the handy table below for your accents, dashes and other esoteric punctuation.

(Open the table in sheets to see them all)

Some useful Unicode Codes for Chrome