Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics

Brainware University

398,Ramkrishnapur Road, Near Jagadighata Market, Barasat, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700125.


  • B.Sc. (H) in Mathematics, Serampore College, University of Calcutta,

Year of passing: 2014

  • M.Sc. in Mathematics & Computing, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad

Year of Passing: 2016

  • PhD. in Algebraic Coding Theory (Pursuing), IIT(ISM) Dhanbad

Research Interest

  • Algebraic Coding Theory

  • Quadratic Residue Codes over Rings

  • Codes over Rings, Lattices and Jacobi form

  • Cyclic Codes

  • Negacyclic and Constacyclic Codes

  • Linear and Non-Linear Codes

Details of Research Work and Publications

  • Codes over the ring Zpm+ iZpm, Lattices and Jacobi forms submitted in Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (JACO-D-22-00167)

  • Z2Z4-additive Negacyclic Codes, spanning sets and encoding method submitted in Algebra Universalis (ALUN-D-22-00060)

  • Constacyclic codes over mixed alphabets

Professional Activities

  • Summer Internship Programme in Real Analysis (Weierstrass Approximation Theorem ) from ISI Kolkata in 2012.

  • Attended the Professional Skills Development Programme on Numerical Computing with MATLAB organized by IIT(ISM) Dhanbad in 2015.

  • Projects on "Diophantine Equation" from IIT(Dhanbad) in 2015-2016.

  • Attended the conference of GIAN course on "Advanced Topics in Coding Theory" organized by IIT Kanpur in 2016.


Teaching Experience: Worked as Teaching Assistant in IIT(ISM) Dhanbad from 2016-2019


Recipient of DST INSPIRE Scholarship for being among Top 1% in WBCHSE in 2011.