Mrs. Fix's Class

Welcome to STEAM Education!!

Welcome to my classroom website where you'll find these things.  I hope you find it helpful!

But first, let's learn a little about me!

About Me!

I have been in Braham since I was in Kindergarten! I graduated from High School in 1999. I attended the University of Minnesota Duluth and graduated from there in 2003. I began teaching in Braham the fall of 2004 and have been here ever since!  In the fall of 2012, I decided to further my education. I attended St. Cloud State University and earned a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Technology Education. In Braham, I have been a student, 5th grade teacher, technology teacher, a 6th grade teacher, 7-12th grade Agriculture Teacher and now a 7/8th Grade STEAM Teacher.  I will also be our district's EL (English Language) Teacher.  

I married my high school sweetheart in 2005 and have 3 children. We love to spend time outdoors. We enjoy camping, hiking, snowmobiling and snowshoeing. We also like to travel. 

After school, I am the assistant director to the musical and director for the spring play.  

I enjoy teaching because I love to learn new things. I like to promote learning in my classroom in all ways possible. Sometimes the kids even teach me a few things!  We have fun together while still learning!

I look forward to a great year ahead with you!