Please click on the two links below to complete your student's registration for the 2024-2025 school year. Both links must be filled out and submitted to complete registration.
Please make sure you do the following when registering:
Click on the 2024-2025 school year
For the school name click "Bradley Central High School"
Click on the correct grade for the 24-25 school year
Every student must have a fully completed NEW Registration Form and Migrant Survey.
No early checkout will be allowed after spring finals and schedules will not be generated if the registration form is not submitted.
Please complete all applicable fields of the Registration Form including at least one parent email and checkout information. Please make sure to select Bradley Central High School in the school selection drop-down.
Please complete the Migrant Survey. This form is required by the state for each student. Please make sure to select Bradley Central High School in the school selection drop-down.
Thank you for completing the registration process for BCHS. We will be in contact if we should have any questions.
Thank you for your interest in Bradley Central High School!