Senior Quote


Your quote should be well chosen and represent your best qualities, as it will serve as a record of who you are for years to come. The quote and accompanying photo will help others remember you after graduation. If the quote is ambiguous or has a negative connotation, the school administration will have the right to determine whether the quote is published in the yearbook. If you do not follow the guidelines below, your quote will not be included and you will not have a quote appear under your name in the yearbook.

If you are unsure as to whether or not your quote will be acceptable, please check with a yearbook adviser. As we have yearbook printing deadlines to meet, the staff may not have time to return your quote to you for revision. 

** Make sure to add the quotation marks and the name of the person who is credited with the quote.


Submit your quote (including spaces and punctuation marks) via the form below before December 1st.

Guidelines for Senior Quotes

All Quotes need to follow the Guidelines below. Failure to follow guidelines will result in the exclusion of your quote.