English Buddies 2023-2024

'We lead our own English activities in a positive, encouraging and caring way.'

English Buddies is one of the elite teams in our school. Students who have a passion for learning English and want to assist others in learning the language have the opportunity to join the team. English Buddies play a crucial role in promoting English and creating a lively, language-rich environment on campus.

There are three types of English Buddies - Assembly Buddies, Games Buddies and Reading Buddies.

Assembly Buddies

Perform in the English assembly every Friday to help create the English environment.

Games Buddies

Play English games with their schoolmates during recess. 

Reading Buddies

Read with P.1-3 students to help them develop their reading skills. They do this by teaching High Frequency Words through small books and games. 

We are ready to perform on stage

Introducing students' good works to visitors

Planning activities

Presenting their ideas