Services Available

What are student services?

Student services refer to a range of support and resources provided to students in order to enhance their academic, social, emotional, and behavioral well-being. These services can include counselling, academic support, student specific plans, accommodations for students with disabilities, interventions for behavioral or emotional challenges, and access to community resources. The goal of student services is to ensure that all students have equal opportunities to succeed and thrive in their educational journey. These services are typically provided by a team of professionals, who collaborate to meet the unique needs of each student.

School Level

Resource Teachers

School-based resource teachers provide additional support and assistance to students who may need extra help in the classroom. They work closely with classroom teachers to develop strategies and accommodations to meet the individual needs of students. Resource teachers may provide specialized instruction, small group work, or one-on-one support to help students succeed academically. They also collaborate with other professionals to ensure that students receive the appropriate interventions and support.

Guidance Counsellors

School-based guidance counsellors work in schools to support students' social, emotional, and academic well-being. They provide guidance and counseling services to help students navigate personal and social challenges, make informed decisions about their education and future, and develop important life skills. Guidance counselors also assist students with academic planning, college and career exploration, and provide support during times of crisis or difficulty.

Divisional Level

Student Services Coordinator 

The student service coordinator is a professional who helps coordinate and provide support services to students across the school division. They work closely with students, families, and school staff to address various needs, such as academic support, behavioral interventions, and social-emotional development. They may assist in developing education plans, coordinating special education services, and connecting students and families with community resources. They are also responsible for supervising and supporting divisional student support staff and clinicians. The student service coordinator plays a vital role in ensuring that students receive the necessary support to thrive academically and emotionally.

Mental Health Facilitator 

A mental health facilitator helps individuals navigate and access mental health services and resources. They provide support, guidance, and information to individuals seeking help for their mental health concerns. They may assist in connecting individuals with appropriate mental health providers, educating them about available treatment options, and helping them develop coping strategies. In BPSD, they also provide consultative services for staff and training in the divisional suicide risk assessment process, Safe-Talk, and Mental Health First Aid.

School Psychologist 

A school psychologist is a professional who works in schools to support the social, emotional, and academic well-being of students. They conduct psychoeducational (learning) assessments to understand students' strengths and challenges, provide counselling and intervention services, and collaborate with teachers and parents to develop appropriate strategies and support plans. School psychologists also play a crucial role in promoting positive school climates, addressing behavioral issues, and advocating for the needs of students. Overall, their goal is to help students thrive and succeed in their educational journey. 

Speech & Language Pathologist

An SLP, or speech-language pathologist, is a professional who helps individuals who have difficulties with communication and/or language. After assessing the student’s needs, recommendations and appropriate interventions/activities are provided to build language and communication skills. They may work directly with students or provide consultative services. The SLP works as a member of the school team which may include school staff, parents and outside service providers for programming needs. The goal of an SLP is to help individuals communicate effectively and improve their overall quality of life.

Itinerant Resource Teacher

An itinerant resource teacher provides the same services as school-based RTs, but are part of several school teams. In BPSD, this includes all colony and small schools across the division. 

Preschool Facilitator 

The preschool facilitator acts as a liaison between preschool programs (daycares, nursery schools) and the schools.  They are responsible for assembling the preschool kits (with activities and information to promote school readiness) distributed during the divisional preschool screening days and the kindergarten kits that go out to all students who register for kindergarten. 

AAC Tech Assistant 

An AAC tech, or augmentative and alternative communication technician, assists the SLP in creating materials for individuals with communication challenges. This may include things like communication boards, visual supports, or adapted learning materials. 

Community Level 

Occupational Therapy

An OT or occupational therapist helps individuals with various activities related to daily living and functioning. They work with people who may have physical, developmental, or cognitive challenges that affect their ability to perform everyday tasks. OTs assess individuals' abilities and develop personalized interventions to improve their independence and quality of life. The goal of an OT is to help individuals participate in meaningful activities and achieve their maximum potential.


A PT or physical therapist, helps individuals improve their physical abilities and mobility. They work with people who have injuries, disabilities, or conditions that affect their movement and function. PTs assess individuals' physical abilities, develop personalized treatment plans, and provide exercises and therapies to improve strength, flexibility, and coordination. The goal of a PT is to help individuals regain or enhance their physical function and improve their overall quality of life.

Community Mental Health 

Children's disABILITY Services

Consultant for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

Consultant for the Blind & Visually Impaired