Beverly Bobcat Behavior

bobcat behavior082509 (2).pdf

Beverly Bobcat Familly Meeting

Beverly Family Meeting


You show RESPECT when you congratulate the winning team. This is also known as good sportsmanship.

You show RESPECT for other classrooms when you line up quietly in the hallway.

You show RESPECT for your teacher and your peers when you listen during a lesson.

You show RESPECT when you raise your hand to be called on to speak.

You show RESPECT when you walk quietly in the hallway.


You show RESPONSIBILITY when you put items away in their proper spot.

You show RESPONSIBILITY when you tuck in your chair after you stand.

You show RESPONSIBILITY when you clean up any mess.

You show RESPONSIBILITY when you show self-control.


You show INCLUSIVENESS when you work well with any partner.

You show INCLUSIVENESS when you welcome players to your game.


You show HONESTY when you speak the truth.

You show HONESTY when you take responsibility for your actions.


You show KINDNESS when you help someone tie their shoes.

You show KINDNESS when you help someone in need.

You show KINDNESS when you give a helping hand.

You show KINDNESS when you when you see someone needs help and you help them.

You show KINDNESS when you say a kind word.