Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Bruin Virtual School?
Bruin Virtual is a blended and full-time online learning program developed with the flexibility of student needs in mind. Students enrolled in Bartlesville Public Schools can choose to take part in the program, which uses certified teachers in math, science, language arts, and social studies to create a student-centered curriculum that is teacher-driven. Bruin Virtual uses multiple teaching strategies and technology platforms to enrich lessons, foster flexibility, and meet the preferred learning style of our students.
Who can be a virtual student?
Bruin Virtual students must be enrolled in grades PK-12 in the Bartlesville Public Schools.
What is a blended schedule?
A blended schedule involves taking virtual classes less than full-time at home while still taking some classes at the school site. This allows students who want to attend electives or core classes to participate in-person.
Can Bruin Virtual students participate in school activities and athletics?
YES! Students enrolled in Bruin Virtual can still participate in all athletics, activities, fine arts programs, and student organizations in the district. Oklahoma Secondary School Athletics Association (OSSAA) requirements require online learners to be in the building for a minimal number of hours per day, which can be limited to the student’s athletic period. This provides students who need an alternative online placement the opportunity to continue to be Bruins, unlike other virtual schools and platforms.
Who are the teachers in Bruin Virtual?
Students will have access to certified teachers in math, science, language arts, and social studies. They will have access to virtual hangouts, test help, office hours, and teacher-driven curriculum from our own staff members. Our teachers will have dedicated time for their virtual students so as to create enriching experiences for all students. Please not that depending on scheduling needs, a few courses may be offered via Edgenuity or Edmentum, which are BPS approved online delivery platforms that use certified teachers to grade student work and provide assistance.
What are the virtual school hours?
Teacher-led online learning will occur during the school day between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Students will be able to access virtual lessons, participate in office hours, and have access to drop-in centers (locations throughout the community. See here for more information) during this time.
Can I get help with my work?
Absolutely! Bruin Virtual teachers will have dedicated time during the school day to work on presenting and recording lessons (Google Hangouts Meet,, etc.) and for office hours for students who need help.
What curriculum or platforms will be used in Bruin Virtual School?
The best part of virtual learning is the flexibility in content and curriculum delivery. Bruin Virtual is much more than simply accessing an online learning system and doing the work. Secondary students will access all coursework through Canvas (unless a class is taken on Edgenuity or Edmentum). Elementary students will access assignments through Google Classroom, See-Saw and through communication with teachers.
Do I have to take tests at school?
Virtual students can take tests at home! Additional assistance is available via office hours, or through scheduled meets with a teacher. State testing is still required on campus as of now.
Will I get a Chromebook?
Students who already have a district-issued Chromebook can continue to use it as a virtual student. New students can check out a Chromebook for virtual school. Once enrolled, students can contact hancockmj@bps-ok.org to schedule a Chromebook pick-up. Insurance fees and user agreements apply.
What if I don’t have internet access?
Bruin Virtual students will need access to the internet. However, flexibility is a major goal for our program. If you have trouble accessing internet service, please contact hancockmj@bps-ok.org for options.
How do I see my online classes?
Secondary students will need to login to CANVAS to see their classes . Elementary students will see their classes in Google Classroom and See Saw.
What time are my virtual classes?
The key to virtual learning is flexibility. While many teachers have dedicated times that they will be able to host live virtual meetings and office hours, students are able to access recorded content around the clock.
How is attendance taken for virtual classes?
Virtual attendance is taken weekly and is based upon completed assignments. Teachers will assign content throughout the week, each with various amounts of daily activities. If all activities are completed, then students will have great attendance. However, if assignments are not turned in during the appropriate timeline, then absences will be recorded. Teachers have the flexibility, depending upon their classroom procedures, to allow work to be made up for a grade. Making up assignments for a grade cannot replace absences in the attendance book.