Downloading Your Information

If you are a student who will be attending BPC during the 2021-2022 year, school much of your google drive and other google applications have been migrated over to your account already.

If you are staying in New York City Public Schools but not with BPC, your account is a google account and you can transfer your documents there.

You can take your contents from your BPC Google Drive and Email with you. You have 2 options.

A. You can download your contents

B. You can transfer it to another google account.

    1. You can wait until you start your new school,

    2. If you have a personal one, you can use that.

    3. You can create a new account if need be.

One note about your files: It must be files you own or are in your main drive. If it is something that is shared to you, in the "Shared With Me" folder and you want to keep it, you must make a copy for yourself or move it to your drive, that should help the problem.

Download Your Contents

Download Your Contents

  1. Login to your BPC school account.

  2. Go to

  3. You can deselect all products and only keep the ones that are relevant (google drive, classroom, gmail etc.) or you can keep everything checked.

  4. Scroll down to the bottom and select "Next Step"

  5. Keep everything as is including "Send download link via email"

  6. Select "Create Archive"

  7. You will get one email telling you that you requested your google archive.

  8. You will get a second on that tells you it is ready (it could take some time in some instances.

  9. When you open your email, select download archive. You will have a week to download it.

Transfer Your Contents

  1. Login to your BPC school account.

  2. Go to

  3. Enter the gmail email account you will transfer your files and emails to. This can be a personal one or if your new school uses Google, you can use that too. If you don't have one, you can make one (or use a parent's account- talk to them first).

  4. A code will be sent to your non-bpc account.

  5. Enter the verification code at #2.

  6. Select the content you want to transfer (drive files do not include what is in your "shared with you" folder).

        1. gmail

        2. drive files

  7. Click "Start Transfer"

Helpful videos and References

Downloading Files

Transferring to Another Email