Senior and Scholarship Information
This page will be the only page used for information regarding scholarships. There will not be printed Senior Bulletins-only this digital page which you may print if you wish!
Scholarships and Senior Information will be added to this page as it becomes available. KHEAA's website is a great resource on colleges, financial aid, FAFSA, and KEES money. Click here-KHEAA. There are other senior resources on the front page of the Boyle County Counseling Office and under Links and Resources. The 2024 Getting In that you were given can be found here! They are given out in Government classes each year. To be given out on 9/17.
The following site will have college webinars on the following topics:
* Financial Aide
* College Applications
* Academic Merit
* Changes in College Admissions
* Academic Testing
Welcome to your senior year, Class of 2025! Congratulations on all of your achievements thus far. Remember, colleges, scholarships, and future employers will look closely at your academic performance, attendance, discipline, and extra-curricular involvement during your senior year. So, keep working hard! Your senior year can be a juggling act. There are decisions to be made about college and your future, applications to complete, and tests to take as you prepare to leave high school. It is the goal of the Counseling Department to help you through this process. You should have completed a Senior Contract during scheduling last spring. This will ensure that you know what courses you need in order to graduate and that you are enrolled in those courses this year. Feel free to make an appointment with your counselor anytime if you have a question regarding your senior contract or need assistance with college/career planning.
Senior Parent Night!! 10/2 at 6:00pm in the library.
FAFSA help sessions wil be available in January. Release date for this year's FAFSA should be in December 2024. Sign up here for help!
Past Slideshow/Videos are here:
Past Handouts are here:
1/9/25 FAFSA Help Sessions--time slots are from 3pm-6:30pm-please complete form for a timeslot- to 1/17 due to snow
Need help with organizing college applications?
Best wishes for a successful and fun senior year!
College Planning
PARCHMENT! To send transcripts from Boyle County High School, you will need to create a account. Information was given to all Seniors regarding parchment-check your school email. If you need the code, please see your counselor! Parchment is the only way that transcripts can be sent. More information can be found here! Remember, if you have earned dual credit from a college, you will need to request a transcript from that college to go to your selected school.
Sign up for the SAT/ACT again
Double check that your courses met graduation requirements
Request recommendations from teachers, employers and counselors. Give each person your resume; a stamped, addressed envelope; and any required forms. This Senior Brag Sheet may be helpful when requesting recommendations!
Check out the catalog from each school you’re interested in. Most catalogs are online, or you can ask the school to send you one.
If you didn’t make college visits over the summer, make plans to visit during a long weekend or fall break
Request your personalized Getting the Facts – Your Personalized College Guide online through your MyKHEAA account
Begin to look at NCAA/NAIA athletic requirements and applications.
Create an FSAID now here for the FAFSA!
Create a college access calendar to track: Test dates, fees and deadlines, College application due dates, Financial aid applications and deadlines, Deadlines for requesting recommendation letters, transcripts and other necessary material. Ask people at least two weeks before you need them.
Students will be able to file a 2024–25 FAFSA later than normal this year due to many changes. The proposed date is December 2023. (Make sure you are completing the correct year!) Here is an article dealing with changes-
You can find information for the FAFSA here
Begin to gather information needed to complete applications.
Contact colleges regarding scholarships and financial aid opportunities
Follow up on your teacher recommendations.
If you are applying for Early Decision, send in your applications now. Keep copies of everything you send.
(Also, prepare applications for back-up schools)
Start sending in your applications
Sign up for December/January Tests (ACT/SAT)
Check college and scholarship deadlines!
Continue filing applications with colleges. Don’t forget to have test scores sent to your college directly from ACT if required.
Complete any college essays you have to submit. Have a teacher or parent proofread for mistakes.
Consult your counselor again to review your final list of colleges. Be sure you have all your bases covered.
Get your recommendation letters from your references and send them thank-you notes.
Finish and submit your college applications. Keep copies of everything you send.
Have your high school send transcripts to the colleges you selected using
Helpful Websites Plan for college, prepare for testing, search and apply for college…this website offers many options to assist you in preparing for your college career. Compare colleges, find tuition and admission information and discover your admission chances from more than 3,000 schools. Conduct a scholarship search to find the ones that match your strengths and skills best. Our scholarship directory has more than $11 billion. Scholarship search Scholarship search College Counseling Website! Lots of helpful info on essay writing, apps, etc! With more than 4,000 institutions available for students and families to search, the College Scorecard provides answers to critical questions about each institution, like how likely students are to complete their degrees, how much debt students take out, and how much the students typically earn after attending. The interactive website provides users with the ability to search by program, degree type, location, or by name of institution. Click here for how to guide!
There are many other sites that allow you to search for colleges, to take virtual tours, and to research loans and scholarships. Be aware, however, that some sites may be scams. Never pay for anything related to college planning, scholarships or financial aid. Talk to your Counselor if you have a question about a site or need assistance with college planning.
All scholarships ever offered cannot be listed here! Check your colleges of interest for scholarships specific to freshman and specific to area usually on their financial aid page. The scholarship search websites listed above can also help you to find more scholarships! **MANY ARE NOT YET UPDATED and will be updated when received. NOTE that comment!
QuestBridge National College Match
Deadline: September 26. 2024
The QuestBridge National College Match is a college and scholarship application process that helps outstanding low-income high school seniors gain admission and full four-year scholarships to the nation's most selective colleges. If you are a student who has achieved academic excellence in the face of economic challenges, we encourage you to apply to the National College Match. QuestBridge's partner colleges offer generous financial aid packages that cover 100% of demonstrated financial need, making them very affordable for low-income students. Visit
Washington University in St. Louis
Danforth Scholars Program
Deadline: January 2, 2025
For students who would like to attend Washington University in St. Louis and who have demonstrated leadership, personal integrity and dedication to academic excellence. See your counselor to be nominated Alger Kentucky Scholarship Program
Deadline: March 15th, 2025
Eligible students should have critical financial need (50,000 or less adjusted gross income per family), academic achievement, and involvement in extracurricular or community activities.
Applications are online at: Scholarship
Deadline: Sept. 30th 2024
Applicants should be high school seniors who are well-rounded individuals with highly developed interests in their community. Applicants are evaluated on the following:Minimum 3.0 unweighted GPA
Demonstrated leadership in school
Commitment to community
Applications are available at
The University of Kentucky Academic Scholarships
Deadline: Dec. 1, 2024 Engineering Scholarships
Deadline: Various but March 15th for many
Applicants must be high school seniors intending to earn a degree in engineering or related science and must meet minimum GPA and ACT or SAT requirements outlined in the specific scholarship. Multiple scholarships are available through SAE, please see your counselor for more details.
Applications are online at: Metropolitan College Program
UPS offers opportunities to have up to 100% of your tuition paid if you attend University of Louisville or Jefferson Community College through this program. Students must be employed by the UPS overnight air operation in Louisville KY and must be on the UPS payroll by specified date and remain employed by UPS until the end of the student agreement period. For more information, see your counselor or visit: Scholarship-Information sent to students and names emailed to KSBA
Boyle County may nominate two Seniors who would be the first members of their immediate families to complete college degree for a KSBA scholarship. Student must have obtained an ACT reading score of at least 20 as a junior or senior. If you meet these requirements, please complete form by end of day 10/15 that was emailed to you on 10/12. Selections will be made based upon ACT/GPA. Applications are forwarded to our school board for selection. One male and one female will be nominated for a chance at $2500 each via a random drawing!
Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship-not yet updated (Contacted local chapter for info but not received)Was told will not be updated
Please see the attached information regarding a $1000 scholarship that will be given to one Kentucky student! It might as well be you! Kentucky Society DAR Scholarship-see materials and requirements available here-
Please note the counseling office deadline below!
Deadline 11/15/2023 by end of the day to the Guidance Office-all materials required including essay, resume, application, transcript
Other DAR scholarships can be found here!
Hagan Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements
1. Must be a U.S. Citizen.
2. Must attend an Eligible Public High School.
3. Must have achieved a 3.5 Cumulative Grade Point Average.
4. Must enroll at an Eligible Four-Year College or University the first semester following high school graduation.
5. Must work 240 hours during the twelve months prior to fall semester college enrollment. Preferred employment is regularly scheduled non-family employment performed under supervision for compensation.
6. Must provide the FAFSA SAR showing the EFC. Must be Pell Grant eligible. The family EFC does not have to be paid, it is used only to determine award amounts.
7. Must apply for Federal and State grants if eligible.
8. Must not have a felony conviction.Deadline 12/1/2024
Kentucky Federation of Republican Women
The Kentucky Federation of Republican Women grants a $1500 scholarship each year to a college-bound high school senior girl who has been politically active within the Republican Party. The completed application must be mailed with a postmark no later than March 31, 2025. Requirements and application here.
The Army Reserve 4-Year Minuteman Scholarship
This scholarship covers full tuition and fees at any college or university served by an Army ROTC program. Students must be in the Army Reserve or eligible for enlistment. For more information, go here
KASBO Scholarship
KASBO will be awarding (4) $2,500 scholarships to Kentucky high school graduating seniors who will major in business or education.
All applicants must obtain two (2) letters of recommendation. One recommendation must be school-related, and one recommendation must be either community-related or church-related. Letters of recommendation must be submitted through the link provided on the webpage.
Also, you will find a link to share with high school counselors to verify the applicant’s enrollment and transcript information.
Finalists will be contacted to schedule an interview. Interviews are conducted virtually.
The application and letters of recommendation must be received by December 15, 2024.
Scholarship recipients will be selected and notified no later than March 31, 2025.
Interested students must go to to apply.
This is for seniors who plan to major in business or education!
Follow all instructions or you may be disqualified!
KY Farm Bureau Education Foundation Scholarship
The Kentucky Farm Bureau Education Foundation will award county and state college scholarships to high school seniors for the current school year. Scholarships may be applied to tuition, housing, books and other educational expenses. Payments will be made directly to the college, university, or trade school of your choice.
To be eligible, applicant must:
Be the child of a Kentucky Farm Bureau member and remain such while the scholarship is in force
Finish high school within the year they apply for the scholarship
For the Leadership in Agriculture Scholarship, applicant's parents must be actively engaged in production ag
Those not eligible are the children of:
Kentucky Farm Bureau Claims Personnel
Kentucky Farm Bureau State Board Directors
Kentucky Farm Bureau State & District Employees
Kentucky Farm Bureau State Women's Advisory Committee Members
Please note: Children of Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance Agency Managers, Agents, Agency Secretaries and CSRs are only eligible for the Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance Agents Association Scholarship and should utilize this application to apply for the scholarship.
We are pleased to announce the 2024 Kentucky Farm Bureau Scholarship application is now available online. For a complete list of available scholarships, eligibility, rules, and to access the application, please visit our website: As a reminder, the application must be completed in one sitting; our system does not allow for an application to be saved once it is in progress. To assist students, please utilize the scholarship checklist on the website so all required information is gathered before the applicant begins the process.
To be considered, all applications must be submitted by the February 28, 2025 11:59 P.M. (ET) deadline. As a reminder, all requested materials must be submitted with the application.
Boyle County Farm Bureau David C. Sparrow Memorial Scholarship-now part of Farm Bureau Scholarship above
Preference for this scholarship will be given to 4-H, FCCLA and/or FFA members.One $1000 scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior. Student must be pursuing a degree at a Kentucky school unless program is not offered in this state.To be eligible, applicant must have 3.0 GPA or a 21ACT AND be child of a BC Farm Bureau member family. Deadline is 2/28/25. See scholarship application above. Please note interest of 4-H, FCCLA, and/or FFA on application.
KY Transportation Scholarship Programs
Kentucky Transportation Scholarship Program's deadline is February 1.
Application packets must be at the address listed on the application by February 1. Links to the applications are below.
Do you know a graduating senior who is interested in Engineering? Math? CAD? Building structures or roadways? If so, we have an exceptional scholarship opportunity available! The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet offers scholarship programs geared toward civil engineering and construction management. These scholarships provide money for college, paid summer employment while in school, and full-time employment after college graduation. This opportunity can’t be beat!! The application deadline is February 1. Below you will find a brief description. More details and the applications can be found on our website at
Inter-County Energy Scholarship Program
Announcing the Inter-County Energy Scholarship Program is offering 6 $1000 scholarships. Deadline to apply is April 11th, 2025. Send application by deadline to address on application. See the attached requirements and application here
FMC Community Foundation Scholarship-not yet updated-contacted them
Scholarship opportunity for seniors planning to attend college for sonography. Turn applications into counseling office by 3/29 due to Spring Break. No late applications. Application here: FMC Application
Black History Month Scholarship-deadline 2/23 Please submit to counseling office by end of school day. Application:
Boyle County Homemakers Association-DUE APRIL 30th
Boyle County Homemakers Association is offering a $1000 scholarship to a High School senior pursuing ANY field to further their education. Deadline April 30th Mail to extension office. Application here
Bluegrass Indo-American Civic Society Scholarship
Application Deadline is 2/28/2025. Visit Info is on that page.
Scholarship Details
BIACS is a non profit organization that was started in 1988. We awarded our first scholarship in 1989 and since then have awarded over $325,000 in scholarships. Last year we awarded 27 Merit and Need Based scholarships ranging from $1000 - $1500. You can visit us at to learn more about our organization.
We invite your college bound high school seniors to submit their application through the portal on our website at The deadline is February 2, 2025. We will inform the students and the schools if they have been chosen for the scholarship. We urge your students to apply as soon as possible. Info below:
Ephraim McDowell Scholarships-this is currently on website
EMH Health Care Scholarship
This scholarship is available to high school seniors and college students from Boyle, Casey, Garrard, Lincoln, Mercer and Washington counties. Candidates must be in the top 25% of their class, have a minimum ACT score of 21 or SAT score of 1000, and be accepted at a regionally accredited college or university. College students must have completed undergraduate educational requirements and be accepted into a professional health career program recognized by Ephraim McDowell Health.
$1,000 is paid directly to the college or university for high school students, renewable for the second semester if the recipient earns a 2.5 or higher GPA during the initial semester; $2,000 is paid directly to the college or university for college students, renewable for the second semester if the recipient earns a 3.0 or higher GPA during the initial semester.
Additional Scholarships
Additional scholarships are available through the Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center Auxiliary and Ephraim McDowell Fort Logan Hospital Auxiliary, and Ephraim Mcdowell James B. Haggin Auxiliary
Sherry Colleen Durbin Memorial Scholarship – available to a high school senior in Boyle County who has been accepted to an in-state college or university to study any of the health care career programs recognized by Ephraim McDowell Health. The award is a minimum of $500 for one semester.
Keith & Vicki A. Darnell Scholarship – available to a high school senior from Boyle, Casey, Garrard, Lincoln, Mercer and Washington counties who has been accepted to an in-state college or university to study any of the health care career programs recognized by Ephraim McDowell Health, with preference given to students pursuing a BSN degree. The award is $500 for one semester.
Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Health Care Scholarship – available to a high school senior in Boyle County who has been accepted to an in-state college or university to study any of the health care career programs recognized by Ephraim McDowell Health. The award is $1,000 for the first semester, renewable for the second semester if the recipient earns a 2.5 or higher GPA.
Ephraim McDowell Fort Logan Hospital Auxiliary Health Care Scholarship – available to a high school senior in Lincoln County who has been accepted to an in-state college or university to study any of the health care career programs recognized by Ephraim McDowell Health. The award is $1,000 for the first semester, renewable for the second semester if the recipient earns a 2.5 or higher GPA.
Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Teen Scholarship – available to a high school senior who participates or has participated in the Teen Volunteer Program at EMRMC. Student must be accepted to an in-state college or university to study any of the health care career programs recognized by Ephraim McDowell Health. The award is $500 for one semester.
Ephraim McDowell Fort Logan Hospital Auxiliary Teen Scholarship – available to a high school senior who participates or has participated in the Teen Volunteer Program at Ephraim McDowell Fort Logan Hospital. Student must be accepted to an in-state college or university to study any of the health care career programs recognized by Ephraim McDowell Health. The award is $500 for one semester.
Applications must be submitted by March 15. There will be no late applications accepted. Please mail to address on application. Pay close attention to requirements Application here
KY Manufactured Housing Institute Scholarship-currently on website
The Kentucky Manufactured Housing Institute proud to announce its KMHI Scholarship Awards. Five $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to individuals (graduating seniors and older) who are currently attending or will be attending a technical center, trade school, or enrolling in an apprenticeship program, each of which should be centered around the construction industry and should not be free programs. In addition to the five trade scholarships, two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded in 2020 to graduating high school seniors, GED recipients, or students who are currently enrolled in college or tech schools that live in modular, manufactured, or mobile homes. These awards are available for university, college, technical, or vocational programs.
Deadline 4/1/2025
Information here:
Women Leading KY Scholarship-not updated on site-was not offered 2024
Each year the Women Leading Kentucky Board of Directors offers multiple scholarships. Click the Senior link.wowoemwomn
Must demonstrate leadership abilities on campus and community
High School Senior who will be enrolling in the fall in a Kentucky college/university
GPA of 3.0 or better
DEADLINE April 1, 2023
Application here:
Tab Farthing Memorial Scholarship-not yet updated-contacted them
The Tab Farthing Memorial Scholarship
2024 Academic Scholarship Application
Deadline : April 20, 2024
The Tab Farthing Memorial Scholarship is awarding a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating
student from Boyle County Senior High School or Danville Senior High School
interested in pursuing a degree in the Environmental Field of study. This scholarship will
be awarded based on academic achievement, community service involvement, school
activities and awards, and required essay.
Completed application
Official high school transcript (including most recent SAT and/or ACT scores) signed by
a guidance counselor.
A typed resume indicating school, class activities, community service involvement,
awards, hobbies, and special interests.
A brief essay (300 words or less) as to why you have chosen to go into this
Environmental related field.
All required items should be sent to:
The Tab Farthing Memorial Scholarship
1376 Danville Loop # 1 Road
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Attn: Randy Shelley
The Scholarship Funds will be made out to the school the recipient plans to attend.
Information here. Application here
Bluegrass Community Foundation Scholarships-Deadline 3/7/25
Hudson Ellis and Baird Scholarships as well as others you might be matched to! These are great local scholarships!
Apply here:
I am pleased to alert you that Blue Grass Community Foundation is currently accepting applications for scholarships offered to graduating seniors in Boyle County. Attached is information on the scholarships offered, along with information on accessing the online application. Students apply for all scholarships by initialing filling out the Eligibility Form on the BGCF Scholarship Portal. Once the student submits the Eligibility Form, they are automatically matched with the scholarships for which they are eligible. The student then completes the specific application(s) for the scholarships they qualified for. The application deadline is March 7, 2025 by 11:59 pm ET.
The most generous scholarship offered to Boyle County students is the Hudson-Ellis Vocational Skills and College Education Scholarship. This scholarship is offered to students who plan to pursue a traditional four-year college degree or a two-year or certificate program at a community college or vocational/technical school. The scholarship provides an award of up to $3,000 that is renewable for up to four years of undergraduate study. This scholarship weighs heavily a student’s financial need and provides preference for first-generation college students.
I would appreciate it if you could provide information to your graduating seniors about the BGCF opportunities. The attached document has all the information and instructions for accessing the application. It would be great if you could include this information and/or our website: in any of your scholarship promotions. The Hudson-Ellis Scholarship is especially generous (award of up to $12,000 over four years) and our hope is that as many students who are eligible will apply for this great opportunity.
Info here:
AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Department of KY Scholarship
Applicants must be a senior accepted into an accredited college or university in pursuit of a service-oriented profession.Deadline is received by 7/1.
Danville/Boyle County Scholarship Foundation
Deadline is April 1st. No late applications will be accepted. Completed applications should be mailed or turned into counseling office. Application
ADK Future Teacher Scholarship-not yet updated-contacted them
$1000 Scholarship for Senior who plans to major in Education. Deadline is April 12th.
Jess Tamme Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for female and male Senior athlete. Deadline to have to Guidance Office is April 25, 2025. Application here
John Hooper Masonic Memorial Scholarship-PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS on APPLICATION
The Fund awards a $1000 scholarship to graduating senior. See attached criteria. The deadline for applications in April 15. We seek to help students that have financial need and have overcome challenges. It is open to any senior graduating from a school in Boyle County or living in Boyle county.
This year’s application can be downloaded at:
Bluegrass Community Action Scholarship-not yet updated-contacted them
See attached for information and application. Deadline is 4/12/24 Application
Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship
All information here
Student must:
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Be a Kentucky resident
Be a high school or GED graduate
Have not earned an associate's or higher degree
Be enrolled, or accepted for enrollment, at an eligible postsecondary institution in an approved program of study that leads to an industry recognized certificate or diploma in a high-demand workforce sector.
Check site for qualifying areas
Not be in default on any obligation to KHEAA
Enos Burkhart Scholarship-not yet updated-contacted them
A $1000 scholarship for a student majoring in engineering. Essay should be turned into the counseling office by 3pm on 4/15. Information here.
Abound Credit Union Scholarship-Howard Roush Memorial Scholarship
Account must be opened by 12/31/24
To be considered, please submit to address provided by 3/31/2025.
Application and requirements can be found here:
UK ROTC Scholarships-not yet updated-please contact them for information
See information,Recruiting%20Operations%20Officer%20for%20details.
Wilderness Trace Community Foundation
Jack Freeman Scholarship Fund Description: The Jack Freeman Scholarship Fund was established by bequest from Dr. Freeman to help deserving graduating seniors from any high school located in Boyle County, Kentucky. Eligibility: Resident of Boyle County, Kentucky; Graduating senior from Boyle County High School, Danville High School, Danville Christian Academy, or Kentucky School for the Deaf; Pursuing an undergraduate degree at an accredited college, university or community college; Cumulative 3.0 GPA and in good academic standing; Demonstrate financial need
Rowland Family Scholarship Fund Description: The Rowland Family Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. C. B. Rowland of Harrodsburg, Kentucky, to support post-secondary education for students from Mercer, Boyle, Garrard, Anderson and Lincoln Counties in Kentucky. Scholarship assistance will be grants to qualified students to attend any university, college, community college, proprietary school, vocational school, or any course of study that will advance the student's educational or skill attainment beyond the secondary school level. Eligibility: Resident of Mercer, Boyle, Garrard, Anderson, or Lincoln Counties in Kentucky; Cumulative 2.5 GPA; Enrolled as a full-time student at any university, college, community college, proprietary school, vocational school, or any course of study that will advance the student's educational or skill attainment beyond the secondary school level; Demonstrate financial need; Preference given to students who are either former employees of Harrods Cleaners, Inc. or RV Cablevision, or their children
Deadline 2/28/25 Application here:
Horatio Alger National Career & Technical Scholarship-rolling basis
Eligibility Criteria:
Have completed high school (or earned a high school equivalency credential)
Will be enrolled in eligible program in Fall 2025
Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a career or technical program (up to 2 years) at an accredited non-profit post-secondary institution in the United States
Demonstrated critical financial need (must be eligible to receive the Federal Pell grant as determined by completion of the FAFSA)
Demonstrated perseverance in overcoming adversity
Be under the age of 30
Be a United States citizen
Funds may be used for tuition, fees, books and supplies. All scholarship funds are paid directly to the institution on behalf of the recipient.
The CTE application is now open and is on a rolling basis Apply here
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Danville Scholarship-due 3/22
This scholarship is now $1000!! Scholarship for student who has a need, considering application to college, community college or tech school, 2.75 GPA, and deserving of support. Deadline 3/22. Turn in application to Guidance Office. Application
Imagine America Scholarships
Various scholarships for high school students can be found here
Conservation District Scholarships
The Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts Auxillary sponsors three $1,000 scholarships each year. The George Crafton Scholarship is for graduating high school seniors, the Natural Resource Scholarship is for college students and the Betty Barrick Non-Traditional Scholarship is for college students who are at least 25 years old.
Those applying for the scholarship will need to be qualified young men and women that are interested in agriculture and natural resources fields.
The KACD Auxillary has helped to send numerous young people to the school of their choice with the three scholarships to students interested in careers in agriculture. Educating our youth for tomorrow will be beneficial to all those concerned with the wise use and managment of our natural resources.
If applying, PLEASE turn application in to the Boyle County Conservation District NO LATER than 3/1/2024. I must have time to mail them to KACD.
Gladys Reed Gwinn Scholarship Foundation
Based upon Mrs. Gwinn’s wishes, applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria (in priority order):
Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church members attending a Catholic Women’s College as an undergraduate student.
Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church members attending college or post-secondary school as an undergraduate student.
Boyle County resident attending college or post-secondary school as an undergraduate student.
Status of Applicant:
Applicant must be a graduating high school senior with evidence of post-secondary school admission or currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in a post-secondary school.
Award Selection:
Recipients will be selected using a combination of criteria:
Post-Secondary School planning to enroll or currently enrolled. (Female applicants with enrollment in an all-women’s Catholic School and applicants enrolled in a Catholic University will be given first priority.)
Leadership potential – church and community service, extracurricular activities, and/or athletic involvement.
A personal essay (1-2 pages printed)
Term of Scholarship:
The scholarship is for one academic year of post-secondary education. This scholarship is non-renewable; however, applicants may reapply each year enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in a post-secondary institution. Award money varies from year to year.
Applications: Submit your complete application on or before 3/26/2025 to:
Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Gladys Reed Gwinn Scholarship Foundation
117 W. Main Street
Danville, KY 40422
Information-here Application-here
KHSCA Association Awards for Athletes-Deadline March 1
See the attached link for information:
Commonwealth Credit Union
This year, we are offering four $2,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors planning to attend post-secondary education. And here’s more good news… Our scholarships focus less on GPA and more on celebrating students who are out there making a difference.
Wouldn’t it be exciting if one of your students was a recipient?
Here’s the information:
Kentucky 2A Championships Scholarship-Deadline 3/1
To be eligible, an applicant must:
1. Be a U.S. citizen or in the process of obtaining citizenship and a Kentucky resident;
2. Be a senior student in good standing at a Kentucky high school that is a member of the KENTUCKY
3. Plan to attend a post-secondary institution in the State of Kentucky in the upcoming year as a full-
time student;
4. Be Drug Free;
5. Submit an accurate and complete application by the designated deadline;
6. Must be an athlete from a member school of the KENTUCKY 2A STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS
Information here:
KACo Presidential Scholarship-to be updated-never received but contacted them
KACo is awarding two presidential scholarships to selected graduating seniors from a public high school in the home county of this year’s KACo president, Boyle County Magistrate Phil Sammons.
These scholarships are valued at (potentially) $8,000 each, eligible for renewability up to four years, with $2,000 awarded annually prior to graduation.
Students must attend either Boyle County High School or Danville High School to be eligible for the scholarships. The recipients must attend an in-state college or university or a two-year technical college in the fall following graduation. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
The online application will be available to students on this page March 1, 2022, and applications must be submitted no later than April 1, 2022, at 5 p.m. EST. To prepare for the application process, students should begin collecting the following:
recommendation letter from the staff person at their high school (not to exceed one page);
recommendation letter from a local community member (not to exceed one page); and
information for a student resume listing activities, clubs, offices held and any honors worth noting.
There will be an essay question for applicants with a response not to exceed 500 words.
Endeavor Scholarship
The Endeavor Charitable Foundation Scholarship is offered to students from the Garrard County, Lincoln County, Boyle County, and Danville Independent school districts attending either four-year or technical colleges. This scholarship is available to your current graduating seniors and, if selected, is renewable.
The scholarship is need-based per your FAFSA. See application.
The completed application must be postmarked no later than March 15th.
Application is here-
KYACAC Achieve Your Dreams Scholarship-not yet updated
High School Seniors are asked to complete the KYACAC 2024 Kimberly D. Merritt "Achieve Your Dreams" Scholarship Application by the deadline of Friday, February 23rd. The application does require students to submit in 500 words or less an essay about someone who has impacted or inspired their college admissions process and state why they were beneficial in their journey into higher education.
One $1,000 award will be given to each of the four regions in Kentucky (Northern, Central, Eastern, Western). The students receiving the award will be invited to attend the KYACAC Conference in Owensboro, KY during the Scholarships, Awards and Closing Lunch on Friday, March 15th.
Boyle County Conservation District-not yet updated
Applications must be submitted by Monday, March 28th, 2023.
1. Applicant must be a Boyle County resident.
2. Must be currently enrolled or planning to enroll in the Fall 2023 semester of a college,
university, or technical school.
3. Applicant must be enrolled in or intend to enter a program of study directly related to
natural resource conservation. This includes but is not limited to agriculture, biology,
environmental studies, or geology.
4. Applicants must carry a minimum of a 12-hour schedule per semester to be eligible.
5. Applicants must have a H.S. grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
Students who receive a full scholarship are not eligible.
▪ If for any reason the scholarship recipient does not attend college, the scholarship may
be awarded to another qualified applicant.
▪ Scholarship money will be paid directly to the student, upon receipt of proof of
enrollment. One half of the $1500 scholarship will be awarded for the first semester
and the remainder will be awarded for the second semester, provided the student
maintains a 3.0 or better grade point average for the first semester.
Application here-
For seniors planning to pursue any field but needs financial support. Priority will be given to those attending private colleges. Deadline to turn in completed application to the Counseling Office is 4/18 at 3pm. Amount TBD.
Boyle County Cattleman's Association-not yet updated
The scholarship will be a one time $ 500 award payable to a student when they
begin their first semester of college.
Students will be judged on a point system with the top student receiving the $500
Applicants must be the child of a Boyle County Cattlemen’s Association member and
must finish high school within the year they apply for the scholarship.
Students must be graduating seniors and have a minimum 2.5 GPA based on a 4.0
scale in order to be eligible.
All materials must be postmarked by April 30, 2024 or if hand delivered, received in the
county extension office by April 29, 2024.
Recipient may enter any accredited college in the state of Kentucky, but must plan to
pursue a 2 year or 4 year course of study with a major in Agriculture or Family and
Consumer Sciences. Recipient must enter college as a beginning freshman no later
than the fall semester following high school graduation, unless circumstances beyond
their control, such as serious illness or injury, prevents their doing so. In such a case,
recipient must enter college by the spring semester the following year, or the award will
go to the first alternate.
The recipient will receive their award from the Boyle County Cattleman’s Association by
July 15, 2024 and must be willing to have their picture taken for publicity purposes.
Horse Farm Worker's Educational Assistance-not yet updated
Please see the attached letter with information regarding assistance for students whose parents work on a Central Kentucky thoroughbred horse farms and have done so for three years.
NROTC-Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps
Bluegrass Orthopedics Night of Champions
BCHS will select a male and female for the Champion Award. Information was sent to Seniors and deadline to complete the form is 12/15. Form is here:
We are able to nominate one male and one female athlete who have distinguished themselves by overcoming adversity or injury, AND returned and excelled beyond expectations in their respective sport(s). This adversity or injury does not need to be athletically related.
The criteria are the following:
1. Nominee must have overcome adversity or injury that affected their level of ability to participate in interscholastic sports.
2. Nominee must have returned to their sport(s) and demonstrated achievement beyond expectations.
3. Student‐athlete must consistently demonstrate good sportsmanship and ethical behavior on and off the playing field.
4. Nominee must be in good academic standing. Student‐athlete must be a member of the athletic team(s) during the 2023-24 academic year.
5. Nominee should be a senior.
6. Nominee must be able to attend awards presentation dinner on Sunday April 28th , 2024 at the Marriott – Griffin Gate Hotel.
You can find videos and examples on youtube by searching BGO Champion including last year's male state winner from Boyle County!
Any student athlete may apply for the Achievement Award which is $500. Application is here:
Deadline for the above is 2/23.
Benny Dunning Pay It Forward Scholarship-not yet updated
Deadline is 3/15/24. Follow directions on the link and the application.
ServPro Scholarship-not yet updated
Deadline is 4/1. Please see attached information.
NIAAA Scholarship-not yet updated
Scholarship Timeline
Application postmarked to Matt Bell, Kentucky-NIAAA Liaison by Kentucky’s deadline: February 24, 2024
Each state must select a male and female winner prior to its NIAAA Section meeting.
April-June: Each section selects its male and female winner.
July: NIAAA Board selects the male and female national winner.
August: National winners notified by NIAAA office.
December: National winners and their parents are invited to attend the national conference to be recognized and present their essay.
Minimum Requirements
The applicant must be a senior in high school.
Applicant must have achieved at least one (1) of the following: (a) minimum of B+ average; (b)ranked in the top 25% of class; (c) ACT score of 24 or an SAT score of 1100 (Verbal and Math)
Applicants must have participated in two sports for at least two years in each sport.
Applicant must have earned at least one varsity letter in each of two sports.
Applicants must complete attached scholar/essay application.
Applicants must have a letter of recommendation from the high school athletic administrator/director.
School athletic administrator/director must be an NIAAA member and a member of their respective state athletic administrators association.
The principal or athletic administrator/director must sign the application to ensure that the academic information submitted is accurate.
All hard copy materials must be postmarked, or electronic materials sent to the NIAAA Liaison in your respective state by your state’s deadline. (Kentucky deadline: February 24, 2024)
KHSAA Absolute Services Student Athlete
Absolute Services in partnership with the Kentucky High School Athletic Association will award (2) $1,000 scholarships to one male and one female athlete that are Absolute Student Athletes on and off the field. This award will be presented to an "Absolutely" well-rounded student-athlete that embodies the company's core values such as Integrity, Service, and Teamwork.
Deadline: February 15th, 2025
To be considered for this scholarship please click the link below and fill out the scholarship form.
Momentum Scholarship-BCTC
See attached flyer. Available for BCTC DC students who complete 12+ credit hours with 2.5+ GPA and continue as a regularly enrolled BCTC student within 12 months of HS graduation.
1637 Perryville Road
Danville, KY 40422
Phone: 859.236.5047
Fax: 859.236.6826
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