BCHS Gifted and Talented

BCHS Gifted and Talented Program overview

Consultations services are the primary way that we service high school G&T students. Students and/or parents are welcome to contact us to schedule an appointment. Focus areas for consultations include academics, resume building, leadership and community service opportunities, and college planning. We also serve as the district coordinators for the Governor's Scholars Program and Governor's School for the Arts. Our G&T staff collaborates with the high school teachers to design and implement the Gifted Student Service Plans (GSSPs) and Progress Monitoring reports.

Boyle County leadership students collected items for First Responders to celebrate their dedication to our community.

About your G&T Staff

Mrs. Hall is the G&T director for Boyle County Schools. She has worked for our district for 19 years.

Mrs. Grubb is the G&T resource teacher for the district. She has worked for our district for 15 years.

The G&T office is located inside BCMS. Their contact information is listed at the bottom of this page.

Helpful G&T Resources

The links below contain helpful information about our program and services at BCHS. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Any student interested in applying for GSP/GSA/GSE, please complete this google form:
