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Residential Real Estate

Valuation Services

Appraisal for 

Non-lending Purposes

(Divorce, Estate, etc. or just want to know)


This appraisal product results in the most accurate and efficient opinion of value. For example, lenders do not permit weighted use of active listings...your competition when selling. (the principle of substitution/competition.)

Appraisal for 

Lending Purposes


The typical lending/financial appraisal completed with all the trimmings for lending purposes. This typically includes lender secondary requirements, GSE requirements most often completed on a 1004 FNMA form.

Appraisal for GSE (FHA, RH, VA)


This appraisal product is the same as the typical lending appraisal though adds the specific requirements of a loan guaranteed through FHA, VA, or Rural Housing.

*VA sets their own fees and selects the appraiser.

What to expect:

The most common appraisal we complete includes an interior and exterior viewing. Although we can complete an appraisal without going inside (if you don’t have access this is an option.)

With this most common appraisal (full appraisal), our office manager will setup a time for the Certified Appraisers to come out to visit your property. The appraiser will walk through the property taking notes (quality, condition, room counts, amenities, etc) and photos. The appraiser will want to view everything a buyer might want to see, for example, all the rooms, basement, garages, outbuildings. After viewing the interior, the exterior will be measured and exterior photos will be taken. This is an example of a typical “appointment” for the appraisal process.

Who we are:

As Certified Appraisers we have extensive education, training, experience, and yearly education specifically focused on developing impartial and unbiased appraisals.

We’ve been professional appraisers since the 1980s. 

It’s what we do. It’s who we are.