Year 2

Summer 1 Home Learning

Welcome to the Summer 1 Term Year Two newsletter. 

This half term, our topic in Year 2 is ‘The Seaside.’ 

As part of this topic, we will be learning all about the geographical features of the seaside and looking at coastal towns in the UK. We will also look at how coastal towns have changed from the past to the present. Can you create a poster to describe what the seaside is like? You could draw the seaside and label it.

We started this topic on Monday by bringing the beach to Bowling park! Have a look below:

In science, we are going to look at habitats around the world in more detail to then be able to learn about microhabitats, such as under logs or a pond. We will look at the animals that live there, think about why they live there and also food chains within microhabitats. We will then go on to look at classifying things in our environment as living, dead or never alive.  

In maths we will be covering all the skills we have learnt so far in year 2. We will look at place value, money, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, fractions of amounts and of shapes, shape, time and statistics.

To learn more about your maths topics, you could access these resource:

To learn about time:
ICT Games - Hickory Dickory - choose level 1 

To learn about shape you could use:
BBC Bitesize - 2D and 3D shapes 

You could also use Hit The Button:
Hit The Button

We will be reading these books in school too:

We will do two pieces of writing based around these books, learning to use commas in a list, expanded noun phrases, apostrophes for contraction and possession, questions, exclamations and focusing on our spelling. 

We will also be doing art and DT around the topic including creating pictures looking at bird’s eye view perspective and shadows as well as creating our own Ferris Wheels. 

You should already have your Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars logins, but please let us know if you are having any problems accessing this at home. Please also make sure you are trying your best to read at home: even if it’s just two pages each night.

Home Learning Expectations

Please take some time to look at the following table to see what your child should be doing at home to extend their learning:

Reading their book band book - X3 a week

TT Rockstars Soundcheck - Daily for 10 minutes

Spelling Shed - Daily for 5 minutes

Thank you!

The Year Two team

If you need any help, please contact