MyCAP: My Career & Academic Plan 

College & Career Advising

The MyCAP is a multi-year planning process that engages students in authentic postsecondary planning through a continuum of experiences focused on the individual student’s interests, skills, and talents. 

When students complete meaningful MyCAP experiences with a trusted adult, they identify the pathways that best fit their learning styles and their unique talents, which careers ignite their imagination, and what kind of training and academic experiences will prepare them for in-demand jobs.  By completing the MyCAP students experience the following: 

The MyCAP asks students to be the drivers of their education and empowers them to connect their course taking with post-secondary interests, to seek out career development opportunities such as internships, apprenticeships, dual enrollment, capstone projects, and to build the skills necessary to be college, career and life ready.

The MyCAP experiences are all connected to 3 Domains: Personal-Social Identity, Career Development, and Academic, College & Career Planning. Boston Public Schools also has a focus on Financial Literacy.

Who leads the MyCAP?

The MyCAP is a whole- school initiative and is customized based on the structure, partnerships, and instructional focus at each school. The team is typically led by school counselors and also consists of administrators, special education team members, teachers, family liaisons, social workers, and community partners - it depends on the school context!

Questions? Get in touch!

Erin Jaques | Assistant Director of College & Career Advising, K-12

Marsha Inniss-Mitchell | Executive Director of Postsecondary Initiatives

Catherine Chiu  |  Director of Counseling

Caitlin Gilligan |  Executive Director of School Counseling