School Reopening

August 21, 2020

Dear Boston Public Schools Families:

Thank you for your continued patience and support. With your help, we have planned throughout the summer for a safe and successful start to the school year. Throughout the fall, the Boston Public Schools (BPS) will continue to follow evolving public health guidance and will respect family choice as we welcome students back to school. Our school year will start remotely for grades K0-12 on Monday, September 21. All school based staff will return to school beginning Tuesday, September 8, for professional development and to begin reaching out and welcoming our students and families.

To read the rest of the letter from the superintendent, please click here.

BPS will contact all families to ask your selection between hybrid and remote learning.

If space is available, BPS will be reaching out to the families of many of our most vulnerable learners to determine whether they would prefer more than two days of in-school learning.