Speech, OT, PT, Vision, Lifeskills

High School Life Skills Google Classroom

Middle School Speech, OT, and Life Skills Groups

Grade Specific:
5th grade SLP google classroom:
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NzMyODkwNTMxNzBa with Ms. Panameno

6th Grade Lunch Group (Tuesdays at 11:30):
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NjIzNDU5NjU0Nzha with Ms. Sacco and Ms. Katie

7th Grade Lunch Group (Thursdays at 12:00):
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NjE2NzkzNTU5NDda with Ms. Sacco and Ms. Katie

8th Grade Lunch Group (Tuesdays at 12:00):
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NjIzNDU5NjUyNjha with Ms. Sacco, Ms. Katie, and Ms. Wynne

Middle School Girls Group A (Wednesdays at 11:30):
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NjQ2ODI1Nzg1Njha with Ms. Sacco and Ms. Katie

Middle School Girls Group B (Wednesdays at 12:00):
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NjE0MTYyNzI3NTZa with Ms. Sacco, Ms. Katie, and Ms. Nicole

Upper Campus Cooking/Food Preparation Group (Tuesdays at 12:30):
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NjQ2ODAyNDkyNzRa with with Ms. Sacco, Ms. Katie, Ms. Nicole, and Ms. Wynne

SLP Contacts:
2nd-4th: Kasey Fahy at kfahy@bostonpublicschools.org
5th: Anacecilia Panameno at apanameno@bostonpublicschools.org
6th-8th: Alexis Sacco at asacco@bostonpublicschools.org
9th-12th: Lauren Intravia at lintravia@bostonpublicschools.org

Ms. Intravia's SLP Google Classroom - High School & Transition Students

Monday lunch group:

Tuesday girls group:

Thursday boys group

Friday boys group

Adapted Books Google Classroom

Ms. Vanessa's PT Google Classroom:

Ms. Nishizawa's Transition Google Classroom