Tips on How to Spend the Day

So Many Changes...

In just a few short weeks so many things have changed. Schools are temporarily closed, our favorite places to go may be shut down, we are now learning online, we can not go hang out with our friends. This is likely to cause some anxiety, fear, and feelings of loneliness in all of us. It is important for us to focus on the present and keep some of our routines consistent. Here are some tips to help bring some routine to your day

*Wake up around the same time every day (it will likely be later than when you woke up to come to English, but try to keep it consistent...and before noon :)

*Get Dressed Every Day: You may only change from Pj's to a new pair of leggings but you should get dressed every day

*Keep a regular eating schedule: Being home means you may want to snack all day, try to stick to eating meals in addition to a couple snacks

*Try to get outside: Even if it is just sitting on your front steps try to spend some time outside every day

*Schedule School-Work Time: Plan to do some school work every day. Check your email in the morning and plan two time blocks to do school work. If you have night school and Acellus classes you will need to spend more time doing work

*Spend Time with People: Spend some time with people in your house or on Facetime. It is hard to be physically disconnected from people we are used to seeing so it is important to still try and make those connections

*Do something you enjoy doing every day: Listen to music, read a book, learn something new, make some music, exercise...just do something


9-10am (Wake up if there is a ZOOM call you want to join)

10-11am Wake Up/ Breakfast/Check Email

12-1pm. Google Classroom

1pm-2pm Zoom Office Hours Check In & Go Outside

2pm. Lunch/Snack

3pm Do something physical - go for a walk, do a work out video, dance around your room

4-6pm Free Time - Do what you like to do

6pm. Dinner

7-9pm. Google Classroom/School work: Check EHS Website for updates, email teachers any questions you have for tomorrow


We all will have moments of being overwhelmed during this time and it is important to practice some breathing and calming techniques for when those times arise. There are some apps to download: Calm, Colorfy, 3 Minute Mindfulness or you can check out this website