Boston Public Schools

Special Education School Closure Resources

How can my child access online learning resources that their teachers share?

All of the links below can be reached through your child's Clever portal. Directions for logging in are below:

Clever is a “portal” where you can access many apps used by your student’s school or classroom teacher(s). Visit to access Clever.

What apps or websites do you recommend I check out on Clever?

    • Sora by Overdrive (K-12): read e-books and audiobooks from the Boston Public Library and other Massachusetts libraries.

    • BPS Virtual Learning Commons (K-12): access BPS’s library resources across many subject areas.

    • Tumblebooks (K-5): read kid-friendly interactive picture books.

    • Adobe Spark (4-12): create videos, web pages, and images to share with your friends, family, and school.

    • Khan Academy (7-12): explore online courses on a wide variety of subjects.

    • N2Y Plan includes a dedicated website with valuable links and training videos to help teachers optimize the use of N2Ysolutions for online learning.

Google Classroom:

BPS primarily uses two applications to host apps and websites for students: Clever and Google Classroom. Students login using their BPS Gmail ( and BPS password. Unsure about your student’s email or password? Check out our tip sheet or contact our BPSTechnology Help Desk: 617-635-9200.

How can I support my child with online learning in Google Classroom or other websites?

Adults can play a big role in students’ learning. Explore learning sites with children, ask them questions about what they are learning, and engage in conversations about what they are watching on TV. Studies show that children learn more when they are able to talk about what they are learning.

Please see our Tips for Healthy Habits for tips on practicing good technology habits while out of school.

How to navigate this website

The Office of Special Education gathered a variety of resources for academics, communication, daily living skills and parent training. They can be accessed through the three gray lines in the top left corner of your screen (next to the Boston Public Schools logo) or through the quick link buttons below.