
We host and participate in several events in our community. Below is a selection of some of them.

Boston Mini Maker Faire

When: September 17, 2017 from 10:00AM-5:00PM

Where: Boston Children’s Museum, 308 Congress Street, Boston , MA 02210

BPS Makers: Fostering Equity in Making

Join BPS Makers, Boston Public Schools’ maker group, to design with us and learn more about our maker work! Create cardboard characters inspired by literary characters (or make your own) or collaborate with others on our Rube Goldberg Machine, a complex contraption in which a series of devices are connected to produce a domino effect in which one device triggers the next device.

Rube Goldberg Machine

A Rube Goldberg Machine is a complex contraption in which a series of devices are connected to produce a domino effect in which one device triggers the next device. Use found objects like buttons, pins, wheels, plastic, and more to set objects in motion!

Cardboard Puppets

Cardboard puppets are made out of cardboard, tape, and glue. They can move using various puppetry techniques and decorated using markers, textiles, buttons, brass fasteners, and other objects.