What is an "edcamp?"

Tenets of Edcamp

  • Free
  • Open to everyone
  • Created by participants on the day of the edcamp
  • Sessions facilitated by anyone - experience not experts
  • Reliant on the "rule of two feet” that empowers everyone to find session that meet their needs
  • Vendor-free events

What is the BPS Inclusion Edcamp?

The BPS Inclusion Edcamp is an educator-driven, educator-led gathering where educators share ideas, practices, and strategies around inclusive learning.

The event is being organized by inclusion specialists in the Office of Special Education, digital learning specialists in BPSTechnology, and the Boston Teachers Union.

How does the structure work?

The meet-up is inspired by the flexible "unconference" model of Edcamps.

Educators arrive at the location, sign in, and greet each other. A large board will be visible asking educators what they want to learn about or work on. At 9:00AM, we begin with whole group introductions and an overview of our model. Then, we visit the large board and see what was posted. From there, we begin populating a nearby large grid displaying anywhere from 9-12 total sessions, with several concurrent sessions each hour. Once the grid is filled, we move to our chosen sessions for the first hour. After the first session, we move onto the second session and then eat lunch. After lunch, we go to the third session and then come back together as a whole group to thoughtfully reflect on our learning.

What does a session look like?

Sessions can be structured, conversational, or a mix of both - participants determine the flow! Each session runs between 45-50 minutes and each has their own room with flexible seating. View an example schedule.

Image courtesy Scratch Ed Team, Harvard Graduate School of Education.

What happens if I don't like the sessions?

You are in charge of your own learning - if you want to learn something, post it! If you attend a session that isn't what you expect (and this can happen!), get up and move to another session. One of the rules of Edcamp is to "Vote with your feet!" It is important that you have the opportunity to learn what you need and want.

Do I have to lead a session?

No, you do not have to lead a session. You can post a topic that you want to learn more about or discuss. We encourage you to participate to your fullest ability!

What should I bring?

We recommend bringing your computer, a charger, and a water bottle. Come prepared with a question, idea, or project that you are working on - and bring an open mind!

I've never engaged in professional learning that uses this model. What should I do to prepare?

Awesome! We are glad that you are taking the first step to join us! To prepare, visit our Padlet and see ideas that have been shared and add your own. We recommend coming in with a question, idea, or something that you would like to work on around inclusive learning.

Can I earn PDPs? If so, how?

You can earn 10 PDPs for participation. Register for "BPS Inclusion Edcamp" in My Learning Plan. The event is 5.5 hours long and the remaining 4.5 hours will be dedicated to a project that is shared and submitted via Google Classroom.

Can I invite my colleagues?

Yes! Share our website (bit.ly/BPSinclusionedcamp) and our flyer. If you're active on social media, share using the hashtag #BPSInclusionEdcamp.