boston public schools

Academic mentoring program

What is Academic Mentoring?

As part of our "Return, Recover and Reimagine" plan, the BPS Division of Academics and the Division of Equity, Strategy & Opportunity Gaps (ESOG) launched Academic Mentoring in Spring 2021. This initiative provides young people in grades 6-12, with priority given to those who attend transformation and alternative schools, with intensive relational and academic support as we continue to grapple with the challenges of teaching and learning presented by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This opportunity is affiliated with ESOG's My Brother’s Keeper/Transformative Mentoring work.

The goal is to match students with caring academic mentors who will support them throughout the school year.

What happens in the program?
Students will:

  • Have agency to opt-in to the program and provide details about what they are looking for in a mentor;

  • Meet 1-on-1 (in person or remotely) with their mentor at least once a week for an hour;

  • Co-create a plan with their mentor to receive social-emotional support, connection to career and academic resources, and/or academic/homework help; and

  • Continue to meet with their mentor throughout the school year, give feedback on the program, and choose a new mentor if/when needed.

Who are the mentors? How are they chosen?

All mentors are BPS teachers and staff who have been trained and interviewed by a cross-departmental team. We then use student input and requests to create well-aligned matches that are typically (but not always) school-based.


for students

Visit this page for resources on how to make the most of your mentor experience

for mentors

Visit this page for best practices for supporting young people