
Contact Information:

Ms. Everett: keverett@bostoncollegiate.org, ex. 1365

Mr. Mattier: nmattier@bostoncollegiate.org, ex.1142

Current Unit: WWI and the 1920s

This Week:

*Students will identify the causes and results of WWII and explore why the 1920s was nicknamed the Roaring 20s

*Students will begin the next unit on WWI and the 1920s and create a map of Europe

*Students will use and master their map of Europe and define and illustrate the unit vocabulary words. Students can use the resources below to help them.

*Students will put the final touches on their research project on the Lawrence Textile Mill Strike of 1912. All parts of the project should be organized in their research folders following the directions on the checklist. Projects are due on Wednesday, March 11th.

*Students will continue to organize their papers in their History binder (1 and 1/2 inch binder) with 5 tabs/sections [1) General, 2) Maps, 3) Vocab, 4) Notes, and 5) CUP - Current Unit Papers.]


Europe Map Practice


WWI and the 1920s - Vocabulary Quizlet


Map of North America – Physical features https://online.seterra.com/en/vgp/3452?c=4VKQ6

Civil War States - Map practice link: https://online.seterra.com/en/vgp/3003?c=K4VTB