


Haughton Highsteppers is the school danceline and is comprised of young ladies in 9th -12th grade.  The Highsteppers perform at all home football & basketball games and pep rallies and participate in at least one competition per year.  The Highsteppers have several events throughout the year in order to raise funds for competition expenses, including the annual Lil' Steppers Clinic. 

Officer Camp


Our Line & Social officers attended officer camp in Frisco TX with Encore Creative Productions. They learned 2 routines in 2 days & received Red Excellent & Superior blue ribbons!

The line officers competed in the Final Crowd talent show & WON 1st place with Dance Moms :)

Officer Camp


Our Line & Social officers attended officer camp in Frisco TX with Encore Creative Productions. They learned 2 routines in 2 days & received Red Excellent & Superior blue ribbons!

Team Camp 2021

with Coach Lacy

Our team spent a week with Coach Lacy from Bayou Belles to learn all our material for the year. We had a blast with our Dancing to Disney team & had a Hawaiian luau, a tea party, a princess ball, & Ohana night with our Bigs/Littles. The team is ready for Friday Night Lights!

Camper of the Week: Kylie Branch

These hardworking dancers racked up a ton of awards this week!

We are ready for FNL!! 

Officer Camp

@Frisco TX 

Our officers spent a weekend in Frisco TX with Encore Creative Productions. They learned 2 routines in 2 days & received Superior blue ribbons on both!

2020-21 Haughton Highsteppers

Ashlyn Weinreber


Betsy Morgan


Kati Wasserman


Janaye Jones


Madeline Milton

Dawn Marie Warner

Amelia Jones

Danika Sandifer

Nyah Wright

Savannah Ritchie

Tristin Allen

Lily Maguire

McKenzie Brown

Avary Fry

Lily Coe

Not Pictured: 

Maddie Heroy (Lieutenant)

Lainee McKay

The Highsteppers competed this year in Frisco, TX , on February 27th, at Crowdpleasers Dance Competition. 

They did an amazing job and received the following awards: 

Team Super Sweepstakes

Officer Super Sweepstakes

1st place officer kick

1st place officer novelty

3rd place officer contemporary

1st place team kick

3rd place team jazz

3rd place team pom

Superior ratings on hip hop & contemporary ensembles

Choreography awards for officer kick, officer contemporary, officer novelty, & team pom

Performance quality awards for officer novelty, team kick & team pom

Outstanding academic achievement award

Way to go, ladies!