Virtual Students

This applies to 100% Virtual Students.

You are responsible for making sure you are signed in every day BEFORE 9am! You will do that by logging into OnCourse.

You also need to make sure that all your assignments are turned in before 3pm every day or you may receive a zero on your assignments.

Below is schedule you can follow to help you keep up with your work for my classroom and all of your other classrooms and how to mark your attendance for the days that you are virtual!


Students that are attending 100% virtual for middle and high schools will be required to complete the remote daily attendance on days that they are attending virtually.

These students will need to log in to the OnCourse Connect Portal each morning between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. to record their daily attendance and affirm that they will complete the work assigned to them for the day.


Students will:

  1. Visit to the OnCourse Connect Portal -

  2. Log in using "Students"

  3. Use the student Google Login Credentials

  4. A landing page similar to the one seen below will appear. Confirm your daily attendance and the expectation to complete the daily activities.