Red Jackets

The Red Jackets is a group of faculty selected students who serve the school throughout the year as student ambassadors and school representatives primarily at special assemblies, Open House, and graduation. Being chosen as a Red Jacket is an honor reserved for students who are committed to representing Parkway High School as positive role models at school and in the local community.  If a student has been assigned GASP or Suspension, they will not be eligible to be selected as a Red Jacket member.  

Scholarship  (new policy for the 2023-2024 school year: 3.0 GPA and above are eligible)

GPA of 3.0 or above ( based on GPA their 10th and 11th grade  ); Service-acts of helpful aid to others and the school; Character-features or traits of moral or ethical quality; Leadership-an act or instance of leading, guidance, or direction

Uniform Requirements

Girls-Black or khaki skirt (appropriate length) or dress pants; white shirt; dress shoes; Red Jacket with patch sewn just under the left side breast pocket (purchase information given at time of initiation).

Boys-Black or khaki dress pants; white shirt; tie; dress shoes; Red Jacket with patch sewn onto the breast pocket (purchase information given at time of initiation).                                                                                                     

Faculty Recommendations and selections are typically gathered in the early part of April.

Sponsor information:  Elizabeth Gallagher, librarian (759-2231)