Need to contact Ms. Mullins ?

The best way to get in touch with me is through DoJo messenging or email, but you're free to call our room and leave a message. I will get back in touch with you as soon as I can.

Our enrichment is from 1:00 to 1:45 pm , so this is the best time to catch me.

*The only day I am always unavailable is Tuesday's, because we have weekly team meetings *

Room 14 phone: (318) 549-6881

Ms. Mullins email:

We have a class Dojo! If you haven't signed up yet, get in touch with me and I can give you more information!

What is class Dojo ?

Class Dojo is a behavior management tool for school. Each teacher sets up their class and each student gets a profile. Students earn or lose points, based on positive or negative behavior. Parents get alerts if their child has earned or lost points throughout the day, and why they lost or earned those points. Teachers can also record student attendance, send out announcements to parents, direct message parents, and post photos of what's happening in class. If you haven't signed up, please get in touch with me and I will give you more information!

Daily conduct sheets will be sent home. Please sign and return them each day.

Graded papers will come home on Thursday to be signed and returned the next day.

Daily Transportation

Hopefully your student will have the same way home each day, but sometimes things happen!! If your child needs to go home a different way than normal, please let the school know as soon as possible. You may write me a note and send it with your child, or call the school office at (318) 549-6850 and they will inform me.

If your child is a walker , please have an alternate plan for your child to get home any time it rains.

Birthday Celebration Policy

Birthday celebrations will take place at lunch (10:30 am). The student with the birthday is allowed to bring cookies or cupcakes (ONLY); no juice or cake. (Cake requires a knife and is very messy). The class will sing "Happy Birthday" to the student celebrating in our classroom before lunch. Please contact me at least a day before so I am aware , and can tell the office to be expecting it.

Class Parties for Holidays

There are 2 holidays that we will have designated parties for .... Christmas and Valentines. Each year, I provide (or allow students to bring) small treats for Halloween, but that is all. IF you do not want your student participating in the Christmas or Valentines parties and activities, please get with me because I will provide an alternate activity on that given day.

For Christmas, i will send a note home asking you to send a certain treat, and it will have suggestions of good things to send. THIS IS OPTIONAL for you to send a treat, not required.

I will send home information about any class celebrations we have !