My office hours will be 9-12 each weekday on Dojo and Google Classroom, and I will answer questions as quickly as possible. You can also contact me by emailing me at the address below. Click "Digital Classroom " at the top right to access assignments.


Phone: 549-6199

About Mrs. Poland

Hi everyone! My name is Katie Poland, and the 2019-2020 school year marks my 15th year as an educator. I am a graduate of Caddo Magnet High School and Louisiana Tech University. I have always taught reading and English but in different grades. I have taught 4th grade and grades 6-8. Our daughter is in 2nd grade at Apollo, and our son will be coming next year. I truly enjoy watching as a student falls in love with reading, and it is my hope that I can introduce each child to a genre, series, or book that he/she will love.