Speech tips

We don't really have homework in speech class, but I do send home things to practice.  Oftentimes, this practice work will include words or sentences with the student's targeted sounds.  Frequently working (even 10 minutes a day) on targeted words/sounds at home will help your child improve faster.  This can be done throughout conversation at dinner, in the car or while reading a book out loud.

2 great speech/articulation web sites you may want to check out are:



PATIENCE is very important with developing good speech!  We didn't learn to walk or ride a bike overnight and it takes awhile for some to develop good speech.  The more errors a child has, the longer it may take to correct.  Always encourage them to keep trying!

Speech Class is FUN!!!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

I am in the house of MIASA and this a picture of my wolf pack!

          FYI:  for younger siblings