Fitness Club
Making fitness a priority is a struggle for students in today's world with so much technological entertainment and increased emphasis on test preparation in the classroom. Only 1 in 3 children gets enough physical activity with students spending an average of seven hours in front of a TV or computer screen per day. Our goal is to teach the benefits of an active and healthy lifestyle to the students at our school.
Activities may include:
*dynamic stretching
*fitness challenges
*obstacle courses
*PE extension
Tuesdays will focus on PE extension. We will continue the game or activity of the week. Run obstacle courses, or play an organized physical activity.
Thursdays will be a silent, calming environment where we will stretch and relax. Everyone needs some down time to decompress, refocus, and relax.
Students will need to supply their own exercise mat for Fitness Club on Thursdays.
Students may bring clothes from home to change into after classes have ended. Clothes should be school appropriate.
Pick up time begins promptly at 4:15.
In order to ensure that our meetings are successful and enjoyable for everyone, we have established the following guidelines:
Behavior/Conduct. Students are expected to have exceptional behavior in school and in club meetings, or any other time where students represent our school and/or club. Therefore, if any student demonstrates inappropriate behavior at these times, (s)he can be dismissed at the sponsor's discretion. Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to: disrespect, lying, stealing, and/or fighting.
Meetings. Meetings will be each Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15-4:15 in the gym. Students do NOT have to be present each week, and may be members of other groups and clubs.
DOJO. Parents are asked to join the Fitness Club DOJO class. All communication throughout the year will be here.