Parent Connection

Want to catch up on the Parent Connection sessions that you didn't get to attend during the event?  Please click the button on the left to view presentations from each of the various break-out sessions.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the school via phone at  (318)549-5310 or email a member of the administrative team. Thank you!

 5th Grade Expectations - Your child is transitioning to the Intermediate School!  Although this is exciting, there are many questions about the changes.  This session provides information on expectations in 5th grade, how it is different from 4th grade, best practices parents can use to assist and monitor their children’s school work, as well as, the supplies and resources needed to be successful during the upcoming year.

6th Grade Expectations  - Have you been wondering, “How is 6th grade different from 5th grade?”  How can I best monitor and help my student with their school work?,” What supplies does my child need to be successful throughout their 6th grade year?”  All of these questions and more will be answered during this informational session to help our 6th grade parents! 

Stay Connected: Keep cool and up to date on what is happening at BIS.  This session will introduce you to the various ways to stay on top of grades, assignments, and events taking place at BIS using tools like the BIS App, Social Media, Teacher Websites, and our brand new Student Information System- OnCourse!

School Policies and Procedures - Welcome to BIS, how can we help you?  In order to keep the happiness flowing, there are a few resources and policies that you might find useful.  Here you will learn how to access our student handbook and will get a brief overview of our student procedures and expectations, rules and regulations regarding the dress code, as well as other helpful information.

Student Involvement - Is your child interested in getting involved?  In this session, we will discuss what sports, clubs, and activities are available at BIS.  We will also discuss the process for getting plugged in.  Come join us! 

CFA’s, RTI, FLEX - How do we carry out our mission to “Ensure High Levels of Learning for All”?  This session is designated to provide insight and information regarding the use of Common Daily Formative Assessments to provide daily enrichment or remediation activities for EVERY student! 

Test/Retest & Study Hall - This session is intended to provide a better understanding of the schools goals with the test/retest initiative and the student responsibility  involved in the retest option.  It will also introduce the Study Hall concept and how it will be used to enhance students’ education! 

New to BIS -  This year everyone is new to BIS!  In this session you will learn how our scheduling works and how our schedule is different from other schools in the area.  Also, A-day . . . B-day . . . What does that mean?  You will find out in this session.

Counselor’s Session - Your child is navigating their way through the challenging social and emotional development of adolescence.  In this session, you will learn about typical changes in your child’s friendships, interests, mood, and values.  We will also identify risk factors for problematic behaviors and techniques for monitoring your child’s relationships and decisions.

Grading Policy - How is my student graded at Benton Intermediate School?  Are there different grading policies for each content?  In this session, you will see how gradebooks are weighted and what is mandated by the district grading policy.  You will also get an update on the recent Pupil Progression changes and how that will impact our grading periods.

PBIS Incentives and Awards - How do we recognize and incentivize positive behavior at Benton Intermediate? Check out this session to learn about the various events, rewards, and opportunities for recognition we have available on campus to encourage excellent student behaviors.

Transportation - Whether your child is a bus rider, car rider, or a combination of both, this session will cover everything you need to know to ensure your child has a safe, enjoyable experience to and from school each day. Learn how to determine your bus number as well as pick-up and drop-off times, how to receive notifications regarding late buses, how "Ring Road" impacts the flow of the car line traffic, and bus and car line procedures.